Total : 94
No. Title Writer Date Views
34 Back Cover:Mismatched pyrrolo-dC modified duplex DNA as a novel probe for sensitive detection of silver ions. 관리자 2012-04-20 9966
33 Back Cover: Homogeneous Biogenic Paramagnetic Nanoparticle Synthesis Based on a Microfluidic Droplet Generator 관리자 2012-05-15 11895
32 [Inside Front Cover]Excellent Cycle Life of Lithium-Metal Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries with Mussel-Inspired Polydopamine-Coat 관리자 2012-06-25 11951
31 [Back Cover] One-step sonochemical synthesis of grapheme oxide–manganese oxide nanocomposite for catalytic glycolysis of p 관리자 2012-06-29 9668
30 Front Cover]Simple and Universal Platform for Logic Gate Operations Based on Molecular Beacon Probes 관리자 2012-07-17 12805
29 [Inside Front Cover]A rotary microsystem for simple, rapid and automatic RNA purification 관리자 2012-10-02 13933
28 [Back Cover]Hierarchically Ordered Arrays of Noncircular Silicon Nanowires Featured by Holographic Lithography Toward a High-Fid 관리자 2012-10-15 13223
27 [Front Cover] Elaborate Design Strategies Toward Novel Microcarriers for Controlled Encapsulation and Release 관리자 2012-11-29 8228
26 [Front Cover] An integrated allele-specific polymerase chain reaction-microarray chip for multiplex single nucleotide polymorphi 관리자 2012-11-29 11171
25 [Cover Page]Rational Design of Escherichia coli for l-Isoleucine Production 관리자 2012-11-30 11795
24 [Nature Biotechnology]Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli using synthetic small regulatory RNAs 관리자 2013-01-25 13546
23 [Back Cover]Multicolor patterning using holographic woodpile photonic crystals at visible wavelengths 관리자 2013-05-10 12319
22 [Cover Paper] Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for the 관리자 2013-05-30 12326
21 [Back Cover]Advanced Materials: Facile Synthetic Method for Pristine Graphene Quantum 관리자 2013-07-19 13688
20 [Cover Paper]Design and use of synthetic regulatory small RNAs to control gene expression in Escherichia coli 관리자 2013-08-09 12621
19 [Inside Back Cover] Synthesis of a 3D graphite microball using a microfluidic droplet generator and its polymer composite with c 관리자 2013-09-23 10725
18 [Cover Paper] Microbial production of short-chain alkanes 관리자 2013-11-04 12704
17 [Cover Paper] Tuning Cage Dimension in Clathrate Hydrates for Hydrogen Multiple Occupancy 관리자 2014-02-17 10173
16 [Cover Paper]Droplet Microfluidics for Producing Functional Microparticles 관리자 2014-02-24 7989
15 [Frontispices]Hierarchical Structures: 3D Hierarchical Architectures Prepared by Single Exposure Through a Highly Durable Colloi 관리자 2014-03-07 9290