• 2015 미국 NASA Ames Research Center-KAIST 박사후 연구원 모집 2015 Postdoctoral Fellowship Jobs at the NASA Ames Research
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-10-23 11:49:28|
  • 7776


KAIST NASA Ames Research Center간에 체결된 협력협정에 근거하여 본 연구소에 파견할 박사후 연구원을 아래와 같이 모집합니다.


       1. 모집 개요 (자세한 모집분야 및 지원자격은 첨부파일 참조)

         . 모집 분야

          1) ROBOTICS

           - Computer graphics, Human-computer interaction and interfaces, Mobile robotics


           - Nano devices, Nano energy harvesting and storage devices


           - Embedded processing, Proximity operations, System engineering

         . 지원 자격

          1) ROBOTICS

           - Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Design, or related field 박사학위 소지자


           - Electrical Engineering or related field 박사학위 소지자


           - Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or related field 박사학위 소지자

         . 파견 기간 : 1년 후 양 기관 합의 연장

         . 재정 지원 : 최대 $25,000USD/년 지원예정 (NASA 측에서 추가 재정지원 가능)

         . 연수기관 동안 선정자는 KAIST 연구원의 지위를 유지해야 함


       2. 주요 일정 및 지원방법

         . 일 정

          1) 관련서류 제출 : 2014 11 7()까지

          2) 면접 : 11 17일경 예정임 (변경될 수 있음)

          3) 파견 : 2015

         . 제출서류 : CV(붙임파일), 추천서, 소프트웨어 개발경험 서술서

         . 지원방법 : 2014 11 7일까지 sr_kim@kaist.ac.kr로 신청서류 제출


붙임: 1. Notice

      2. 2015 KAIST_NASA Post Doc App Form

      3. NASA Ames Overview


      We are seeking postdoctoral research fellows who will be dispatched to the NASA Ames Research Centers under the agreement concluded between KAIST and NASA Ames Research Center. 


     1. Recruitment Outline

        (For further details, please refer to the attachments.)


       A. Areas of Recruitment

        1) ROBOTICS

         - Computer graphics, Human-computer interaction and interfaces, Mobile robotics


         - Nano devices, Nano energy harvesting and storage devices


         - Embedded processing, Proximity operations, System engineering


       B. Eligibility

        1) ROBOTICS

         - Doctorate holders in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Design, or related field


         - Doctorate holders in Electrical Engineering or related field


         - Doctorate holders in Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or related field


       C. Fellowship Period : One year

          (can be extended upon approvals from the two institutions.)


       D. Financial Support : Up to $25,000 USD/year

          (Additional support may be obtained from NASA.)


       E. During the fellowship period, fellows selected are required to maintain their status as KAIST researchers.



     2. Recruitment Process and How to Apply


       A. Schedule

        1) Submission of required documents : By Nov. 7, 2014

        2) Interview: Around Nov. 17 (subject to change)

        3) Commencement of fellowship : 2015


       B. Required Documents : CV(attached), Letter of Recommendation, Description of software development experiences


       C. How to Apply: Please submit the required documents to sr_kim@kaist.ac.kr by Nov. 7, 2014


Attachment: 1. Notice

            2. 2015 KAIST_NASA Post Doc App Form

            3. NASA Ames Overview