• 16 December, Dr. Tae Hyun Kang (Univ. Texas at Austin) - Synthetic antibody Fc: tailoring specificities for Fc receptors beyond
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-12-16 13:13:29|
  • 10411


일시 : 2014. 12. 16.() 16:00

장소 : 생명화학공학과 (W1-3) 1세미나실 (Room 1101)

연제 : Synthetic antibody Fc: tailoring specificities for Fc receptors beyond nature

연사 : Dr. Tae Hyun Kang (Univ. Texas at Austin)


▣ 발표내용요약(Abstract)

Antibodies are a cornerstone molecule in humoral immunity. Correlations between Fc:Fc receptors (FcRs) affinities and not only the cytotoxic functions of immune effector cells but also the serum half-life of IgG antibodies have been well-established. Thus, engineering Fc towards selective FcRs takes part in developing antibody therapeutics with either novel effector functions or improved pharmacokinetics.

In this seminar we report strategies for engineering antibody Fc intended for i) novel effector functions, such as ADCC, driven by specific immune effector cells via FcgammaRIIIa binding as well as avoidance of inhibitory FcgammaRIIb binding of antibodies and ii) increasing serum half-life via more strict pH-dependent binding to neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). These future antibodies with synthetic Fc’s that have improved functions will be substituted for current cancer therapies such as radiation or chemotherapy, as they are more “targeted approaches” without serious side effects.
