- [세미나] Integrated fluidics for biosystems and engineering (10월 4일 (화) 오후 2시, Dr. Sung Sik Lee)
- 관리자 |
- 2016-09-28 09:40:41|
- 11187
시간: 10월 4일 (화) 오후 2시
장소: 양승만 세미나실 (제1세미나실)
연사: Dr. Sung Sik Lee (ETH Zurich)
제목: Integrated fluidics for biosystems and engineering
To understand the complex biological systems, it is essential to integrate biology with multidisciplinary science and engineering (e.g. micro/nanofluidics, optics, rheology, soft matter and quantitative assays). Here, I will present a few examples of the integrated fluidic platforms for studying aging, cell signaling network, mechano transduction and single cell/particle handling/sorting.
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