
Material chemistry is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on the study of materials and their properties. It involves the exploration of the structure, composition, processing, and performance of materials to understand their behavior and to develop new materials with specific properties. The field of material engineering encompasses a wide range of materials, including polymers, metals, metal oxides, composites, semiconductors, and biomaterials. Researchers in this field investigate the relationships between the atomic or molecular structure of materials and their macroscopic properties. This knowledge is then applied to develop materials with improved properties for specific applications.

  • Materials1
  • Materials2
  • Kim, Bumjoon

    Polymer nano electronics

  • Kim, Shin-Hyun

    Intelligent soft-materials

  • Kim, Jihan

    Molecular simulation

  • Kim, Hee Tak

    Electrochemical energy device

  • Li, Sheng

    Nanostructured polymer engineering

  • Hong Chul, Moon

  • Park, Jimin

    Abiotic-biotic Interfaces, bioelectrochemistry, digital healthcare, carbon-neutral manufacturing, biohybrids

  • Bae, Tae-Hyun

    Molecular separation

  • Seo, Jangwon

    Solar energy & organic-hybrid electronics

  • Lee, Doh Chang

    Electronic nanomaterials & devices

  • Lee, Jinwoo

    Nanomaterials, porous material, electrocatalyst, energy storage, biocatalyst

  • Jung, Hee Tae

    Nano patterning, molecular self-assembly, gas sensors, catalysis, membrane

  • Cho, Eun Seon

    Functional hybrid nanomaterials

  • Choi, Nam-Soon

    Energy materials