- [Lecture Notice] The 1st Annual KAIST NQE Distinguished Lecture Series: 10/27(Mon), Prof. Neil E. Todreas from MIT
- 관리자 |
- 2014-10-22 14:34:52|
- 10942
원자력 및 양자공학과에서는 아래와 같이 "The 1st Annual KAIST NQE Distinguished Lecture Series" 를 개최하오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
Please come and join "The 1st Annual KAIST NQE Distinguished Lecture Series". Find the details below.
1. 강연 제목: "The 1st Annual KAIST NQE Distinguished Lecture Series"
Topic Nuclear Thermal Hydraulic Technology: Its Evolution and Future Developments
2. 일시: 2014년 10월 27일(월) 오후 4:30
Date and Time: October 27(Mon) 2014, 4:30 PM
3. 장소: 기계공학동(N7) 1층 공동강의실
Place: ME Auditorium(Rm. 1501), ME Building(N7)
4. 강연자 Speaker: Dr. Neil T. Todreas, Emeritus Professor of MIT
Dr. Neil E. Todreas, KEPCO Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering, and Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Emeritus) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the inaugural speaker for the KAIST NQE Distinguished Lecture Series. Prof. Todreas is a world expert in thermal hydraulic aspects of nuclear systems performance, advanced light water reactor (LWR) and fast reactor concepts, and safety features of operating LWRs.
5. Abstract:
Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics has been a major contributor to the development of nuclear power for over 65 years. Major contributions have been made over the years in the areas of reactor concept feasibility, reactor scale up, normal and transient operation, and the important safety areas of accident analysis including design basis, severe and beyond severe accidents. The significance and technical insights underlying these major contributions will be first elaborated. Then ongoing and future directions of the most significant thermal hydraulic contributions and their challenges will be presented. The presentation will focus on light water and liquid metal cooled power reactor applications, the reactors on which Professor Todreas has worked directly over his 56 years of professional experience with US and international naval and civil nuclear power programs.
* 본 강연은 영어로 진행됩니다. The Lecture will be conducted in English.
* 문의 Contact: 원자력 및 양자공학과 김혜진 Hyejin Kim (T.3802, hyejin@kaist.ac.kr)
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