• [첫수융합포럼 개최 안내] 11월 5일(수), 12시 / 창의학습관 101호
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-10-30 17:09:29|
  • 11447




물리학과와 인문사회과학과에서 2014 11 첫수융합포럼을 공동 개최합니다.

여러분의 많은 관심 바랍니다.



<일시 장소>

일시: 2014 11 5 수요일 오후 12

장소: 창의학습관(E11), 101

비고: 간단한 점심제공, 한국어로 진행.



<강연제목 연사>


- Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match: Migration of Populations

via Marriages in the Past

- 물리학과: 이상훈 교수(성균관대학교BK21 연구교수)



- Motivations of Political Donations: Empirical Analysis of Donors Information

in the 18th National Assembly of Korea.

(정치후원금 기부 결정요인 연구: 18 국회의원 후원회 기부금 자료 분석)

- 인문사회과학부: 박현석 교수




O 담당: 물리학과(정미라, mrjeong@kaist.ac.kr / ext.2502)

인문사회과학부(박혜영, parkhy@kaist.ac.kr/ ext.4602)




KAIST Physics Department and

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences invite you to

‘the First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum’




Date: November, 5, 2014(Wed.), 12 p.m.

Venue: Creative Learning Bldg.(E11) Room 101

Refreshment will be provided.




<Phycis Department>

- Title: Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match: Migration of Populations    

             via Marriages in the Past

- Speaker: Physics Deptment-Prof. Sang Hoon

(BK21+ Research Professor. Sungkyunkwan University)

- Abstract

The study of human mobility is both of fundamental importance and of

great potential value. For example, it can be leveraged to facilitate

efficient city planning and improve prevention strategies when faced

with epidemics. Unfortunately, the dearth of comparable historical

data makes it much more difficult to study human mobility patterns

from the past. In this paper, we present an analysis of long-term

human migration, which is important for processes such as urbanization

and the spread of ideas. We demonstrate that the data record from

Korean family books (called “jokbo”) can be used to estimate migration

patterns via marriages from the past 750 years. We apply two

generative models of long-term human mobility to quantify the

relevance of geographical information to human marriage records in the

data, and we find that the wide variety in the geographical distributions of

the clans poses interesting challenges for the direct application of these models.

Using the different geographical distributions of clans, we quantify

the “ergodicity” of clans in terms of how widely and uniformly they have spread across Korea. Based on the correlation between ergodicity and migration

in Korea, we identify two different types of migration patterns: diffusive

and convective.



<Department of Humanities and Social Sciences>

- Title: Motivations of Political Donations: Empirical Analysis of Donors

Information in the 18th National Assembly of Korea.

- Speaker: Prof. Hyeon Seok Park

- Abstract

This study examines the patters of political contribution by investigating

the information of political donations in 18th National Assembly of Korea.

The determinants of political donation are empirically analyzed with the data

from the supporters’ organization of each legislator. The results show that big

donors prefer the members of majority party with stronger influence on policy

outcomes compared to the members of minority parties. Moreover, the targets

of big donations change over time with the chage of balance of power between

president and the National Assembly.

Different from bid donations, small-sized donations are affected by the ideology

and personal wealth of individual legislators. Different from popular concern,

small donations are largely driven by the motivation of political participation.




◦ For further inquires

Physics Department: mrjeong@kaist.ac.kr/ext.2502

Dept. of Humanities & Social Sciences: hypark@kaist.ac.kr/ext.4602

