• [Notice] Catch the Future Seminar by Dr. Fong (NASA ARC)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2012-11-12 10:39:17|
  • 7536


산업디자인학과에서는 11 13() NASA Ames Research Center Terry Fong 박사를 초청하여 아래와 같이 세미나를 개최합니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다.


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* 연 사: Dr. Terry Fong / Director, Intelligent Robotics Group at the NASA Ames Research Center
* 주 제: Planetary exploration reinvented: New ways of exploring the Moon, Mars and beyond
* 장 소: 산업디자인학과동 (N25) 109
* 일 시: 2012.11.13 () 15:00~16:30
* 문 의: 산업디자인학과행정팀 이혜미 (T. 042 350 4503, haemiest@kaist.ac.kr)


첨 부: 포스터.




The Catch the Future Seminar delivered by Dr. Terry Fong, the Director of the Intelligent Robotics Group at the NASA Ames Research Center, will be held as follows:


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* Speaker : Dr. Terry Fong / Director, Intelligent Robotics Group at the NASA Ames Research Center

* Title : Planetary exploration reinvented: New ways of exploring the Moon, Mars and beyond
* Venue : Room #109, Department of Industrial Design (N25)
* Date & Time : Tuesday, Nov. 13th, 2012 at 3pm - 4:30pm
* Inquires: Haemi Lee (T. 042 350 4503, haemiest@kaist.ac.kr)

Attachment: Poster.

