• 9월 첫수융합포럼 개최 안내 (The first Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum-September 3, 12:00)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-09-02 14:11:19|
  • 10023


첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내

The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum



수리과학과, 해양및시스템공학전공에서 공동으로 주관하는 2014 9월 첫수 융합포럼에 여러분을 초대합니다.


Department of Mathematical Sciences and Div. of Ocean Systems Engineering would like to invite you "The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum as follows.



❏ 일시 : 2014. 9. 3() 정오 12

Date : September 3(Wed.), 2014, 12:00 at noon


❏ 장소 : 창의학습관 (Bldg #E11) 201

Venue : Room #201, Creative Learning Bldg. (#E11)


❏ 연사 : 임미경 교수 (수리과학과), 김성용 교수 (해양시스템공학전공)

Speakers : Prof. Lim, Mikyoung (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences)

                    Prof. Kim, Sung Yong (Div.of Ocean Systems Engineering)


Topic &Abstract:


Topic : Inverse problems and invisibility cloaking (Speaker: Prof. Lim, Mikyoung)


abstract: The aim of the invisibility cloaking is to hide an object from observation, and it has been actively studied since last decade. We first consider the inverse problem of identifying the material properties from boundary measurements. For the conductivity equation, this is known as the Calderon problem: Is it possible to determine the electrical conductivity inside a region from the boundary voltage and current measurements? The uniqueness for the Calderon problem holds when the conductivity is restricted to be isotropic, where the material properties are independent of direction. For the anisotropic case, the uniqueness fails to hold since it is possible to make, using a change of coordinates, two different anisotropic conductivity profiles that give the same boundary data. We will see how to make Harry Potters invisibility cloak using a singular change of coordinates that blows up a point to the region being cloaked. In addition, the regularization or the approximation of singular cloaking will be explained. Finally, I will provide a method of constructing very effective near-cloaking structures in order to achieve enhanced near-invisibility.


Topic : Inverse methods meet oceanography: Wind-current transfer function analysis (Speaker: Prof. Kim, Sung Yong)


abstract : This talk covers an aspect of inverse methods in oceanography. The statistical analysis using the transfer function (or impulse response function or Green's function) has a long history in the form of data analysis and signal processing in oceanographic and engineering communities. The impulse response function characterizes the whole system by generating a unique response to a given impulse. Thus, the observed relationship between forcing and response allows us to identify the system. For instance, the oceanic system forced by wind stress (forcing) generates currents (response) and their statistical characterization describes the wind-current system. On the contrary, the primitive equations governing the flow also describe the system with the interlocked dynamical components. As a similar example, the momentum equations in a rotating frame of reference well represent the linear relationship between wind stress and currents as their primary relationship. These two approaches using transfer functions and governing equations delineate the system in a different way.


❏ 간단한 점심식사를 준비할 예정입니다.

Refreshments will be served for free.


❏ 관련문의 / Inquiry


                 박이화 / Ext. 2702, eihwapark@kaist.ac.kr

해양시스템공학전공     이창훈 / Ext. 1502, h153214@kaist.ac.kr




수 리 과 학 과           학과장    곽시종

해양시스템공학전공    학과장    방효충

