- 9월 첫수융합포럼 안내(최민기 교수님) The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum, September
- 관리자 |
- 2011-09-05 10:39:49|
- 10340
첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내
The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum
생명화학공학과와 원자력및양자공학과가 공동으로 주관하는 9월 첫수 융합포럼에 여러분을 초대합니다.
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering would like to invite you to "The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum” on September 7th.
❏ Topic: Neutron Science and Nano-Phase Materials
❏ 일시: 2011년 9월 7일 (수) 12:00
Date: September 7th, 12:00
❏ 장소: 창의학습관(E11) 101호
Venue: Room 101, Creative Learning Bldg. (E11)
❏ 연사: 최성민 교수(원자력및양자공학과), 최민기 교수(생명화학공학과)
Speaker: Prof. Sung Min Choi (Dept. of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering)
Prof. Minkee Choi (Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)
(발표1) Neutron Science for Nano and Bio Science
Neutron is a very powerful tool to investigate the structures and dynamics of materials in multiple length (Å-nm-m) and time (fs-ps-ns-s) scales, which is essential for various researches in a broad branches of science and technology including nuclear and quantum engineering, chemical engineering, physics, biology, materials science, and so on. The cutting edge neutron science requires high flux neutron sources such as nuclear research reactor, and it is very fortunate that we have a world-class neutron source in town, the HANARO nuclear research reactor at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). Recently, the HANARO completed its world-class cold neutron facility in collaboration with KAIST and others, which provides a new level capability to characterize nanoscale materials including nano and bio materials. In this talk, the applications and new possibilities of neutrons for nano and bio science will be discussed together with an overview of domestic and international neutron facilities.
(발표2) Tailored Synthesis of New Zeolite Materials for Catalytic Applications
This seminar will demonstrate the rational synthesis routes to hierarchical zeolites with meso-microporous pore structure and metal-encapsulated zeolites. Hierarchical pore structures are defined by the different porosity levels in multiple length scales. Such structures are found ubiquitously in nature and human works, such as the circularly systems of organisms, the cellular shells of diatoms, animal nerve systems, and man-made architectures. These are naturally or artificially designed for accommodation of maximum functions in a limited volume or area, and also achievement of their maximum efficiencies (e.g.,mass transfer or transportation). By employing the hierarchical structure in catalyst design, it is expected that maximization of catalyst performance is possible. In the present work, recent progresses on synthesis and applications of new zeolite materials possessing micro-/mesoporous hierarchical structure are reviewed. The hierarchical zeolites are composed of zeolite nanocrystals that are 3-dimensionally interconnected to exhibit intra- or intercrystalline mesoporosity. Due to the fast molecular transport, the hierarchical zeolites provide significantly enhanced catalytic activity, selectivity and catalyst lifetime compared to solely microporous zeolites. A new synthetic strategy was also developed to encapsulate metal clusters within zeolites during their hydrothermal crystallization. Precursors to metal clusters are stabilized against their premature colloidal precipitation as hydroxides during zeolite crystallization using bifunctional (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane ligands. Mercapto (-SH) groups in these ligands interact with cationic metal centers while alkoxysilane moieties form covalent Si-O-Si or Si-O-Al linkages that promote zeolite nucleation around ligated metal precursors. These protocols led to the successful encapsulation of Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh and Ag clusters within NaA zeolite, for which small channel apertures (0.41 nm) preclude post-synthesis deposition of metal clusters. NaA micropore apertures restrict access to encapsulated clusters by reactants based on their molecular size Containment within small micropores also protects clusters against thermal sintering and prevents poisoning of active sites by organosulfur species, thus allowing alkene hydrogenation to persist even in the presence of thiophene. The bifunctional nature and remarkable specificity of the mercapto and alkoxysilane functions for metal and zeolite precursors, respectively, render these protocols extendable to diverse metal-zeolite systems useful as shape-selective catalysts in demanding chemical environments.
❏ 간단한 점심식사를 준비할 예정이오니, 참석여부를 9월 6일(화) 오후 4시까지 아래의 문의처로 알려주시기 바랍니다.
Refreshments will be served for free. Please RSVP to the number below (or email) no later than 6th SEP (Tue), 4pm.
❏ 관련 문의 / Inquiry: 생명화학공학과 김세림 / CBE: Serim Kim (x3902, sr_kim@kaist.ac.kr)
원자력및양자공학과 김혜진 / NQE: Hyejin Kim (X3802, hyejin@kaist.ac.kr)
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