• Global Seminar 참석 안내(Dr. Stefano Battiston, 11/2(수) 14:00 동문관 이민화홀)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2011-10-31 18:06:31|
  • 9355


경영과학과가 주관하는 Global Seminar에 여러분을 초대합니다.

Department of Management Science cordially invites you to attend

"The emergence of systemic risk in financial networks 


󰋮 Speaker : Dr. Stefano Battiston

             Senior Researcher

             Chair of Complex Systems Design

             ETH Zurich Switzerland

             (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich)


󰋮 Date: 11 2() 14:00/2nd of November(Wed.) 14:00


  󰋮 Venue : 동문창업관(N22) 이민화홀/Lee Minhwa Hall(#103), Alumni Venture B/D


󰋮 Abstract


The talk will cover several recent and related works carried out in our group on the emergence of     systemic risk in financial networks. 

I first introduce a simplified continuous-time dynamics of financial robustness of banks in a network of obligations. This  incorporates the interdependence among banks and the trend-reinforcement, i.e., the tendency of negative shocks to robustness to generate persistent adverse effect in time. I then introduce a non-linear dynamics of financial fragility, which is derived in a microfounded way from a balance-sheet approach . For both frameworks I discuss the results concerning the impact of the topology of the network on systemic risk, also in light of recent empirical results on global networks and multi-agent models of geographical propagation of distress .




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