- 첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내(The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum) 2012년 1월 4일(수) 12:00 전산학과 / EEWS대학원
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- 2011-12-21 10:41:34|
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첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내
(The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum)
전산학과와 EEWS대학원에서 공동으로 주관하는 2012년 1월 첫수 융합포럼에 여러분을 초대합니다.
Department of Computer Science and Graduate School of EEWS would like to invite you to "The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum on Jan 4th.
❏ Topic :
1) Significant Role of Computational Materials Science for Energy Applications
2) Scalable Visualization and Interaction Technology
❏ 일시: 2012년 1월 4일(수) 12:00~13:00
Date : Jan 4th, 2012. 12:00~13:00
❏ 장소: 창의학습관(E11) 102호
Venue: Room 102, Creative Learning Bldg. (E11)
❏ 연 사 : 정유성 교수 (EEWS대학원), 윤성의 교수(전산학과)
Speaker : Prof. Jung, Wou Sung(Graduate School of EEWS)
Prof. Yoon, Sung Eui(Computer Science)
❏ Abstract :
Energy, environment, and water are the keywords of the 21st century for sustainable human societies that need to be addressed by all disciplines of science and technology. In particular, addressing these urgent problems is often related to the design of new materials that are green, energy-efficient, and cost-effective. Traditional ways of developing new materials, however, are often too expensive and take long time even for first screening. Computational materials science is a discipline that uses extremely powerful computer resources to solve these materials problems. Computational materials science now plays a more important role than ever before since the unprecedented development of computer technology over the last few decades where we now can routinely perform additions and multiplications billion times in just 1 second using a modern computer, for example. In this talk, I will give examples where computational approaches are crucial for knowledge-based smart design of new energy and environmental materials (lithium battery, thermoelectric, fuel cell, CO2 capture, carbon nanotube-baed desalination materials, and etc), and also the need for developing new theories and computational methods to make these efforts even faster and more accurate.
Recent large scale applications such as scientific simulation, CAD, and entertainment applications (e.g., movies and games) require to process massive databases of complex geometric data on various commodity hardware. In many visualization and interaction
applications, the main performance bottleneck is typically in accessing these massive geometric data because of the consistent lower growth rate of data access speed compared to that of computational processing speed. Moreover, recent multi-core architectures aggravate this phenomenon. Therefore, it is expected that the current architecture improvement does not offer the solution to the problem of dealing with ever growing massive geometric data, especially in the case of using commodity hardware.
In this talk, I will give an overall view on orthogonal approaches, multi-resolution, cache-coherent layout, and data compression methods, to design scalable visualization and interaction techniques.
❏ 간단한 점심식사를 준비할 예정입니다.
Refreshment will be served for free.
❏ 관련 문의
전산학과 박기희 (T.3507, pgh0128@kaist.ac.kr)
EEWS대학원 장재근 (T.1705, kate81@kaist.ac.kr)
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