• [SEMINAR] May 14, "Transparent Composite Electrodes for Flexible Electronics and Photovoltaics" by Prof. Terry L. Alford, Arizon
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-05-13 14:29:08|
  • 9773





Transparent Composite Electrodes for


Flexible Electronics and Photovoltaics



Prof. Terry L. Alford



School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy, Arizona State University



May 14, Tuesday 2:30-3:30 pm


1st Fl. Lecture Room, Applied Engineering Building


응용공학동 공동강의실





Transparent conductive oxides (TCO) are widely used as electrodes in organic photovoltaics (OPV) devices and organic light emitting diodes devices. Flexible and transparent composite electrodes (TCE, TCO/metal/TCO multilayers) have recently attracted a substantial amount of attention due to rapid advances in flexible optoelectronics such as OPV, flat panels and flexible OLEDs for use as new generation displays. TCEs that are fabricated on flexible substrates are important and fascinating due to their flexibility, robustness, lightweight, and potential for portability. Because the performance of flexible optoelectronics is critically affected by the electrode quality, it is important to develop high-quality flexible TCEs with low resistivity and high transparency as well as superior flexibility. This presentation focuses on the issues related to the low-temperature processing, microstructure, and electrical and optical properties of these composite structures.







Prof. Terry L. Alford

Chair, Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Program

Professor, School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy, Arizona State University

Affilicate Faculty, School for Electrical and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University

Visiting Professor, Materials Science Graduate Program, African University of Science and Technology


Biographic Sketch

Professor Alford has a Ph.D. in Materials Science from Cornell University and has previously worked at employment at Texas Instruments Inc. He currently holds the rank of professor in the Schools of the Engineering at Arizona State University. He is currently the chair of the Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Program and has authored or coauthored over 250 archival refereed publications, four patents, and two books on various aspects of electrical, physical, and mechanical process/properties of thin films and devices. Dr. Alford’s commitment to the student success has been recognized with several accolades including: Golden Torch Pioneer of the Year 2000 Award National Society of the Black Engineers, National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science (GEM) Alumni Award - Outstanding Achievement in Academia, and the 2009 ASU Graduate Mentor Award.



