• [해양과] ICC Global Lecture : Prof. Morris R. Driels 7/08(월)~7/12(금)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-07-04 11:43:58|
  • 7211


해양시스템공학전공에서는 Morris R. Driels교수님( Dept of Mechanical Eng.,Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA) 모시고 아래와 같이 ICC Global Lecture 진행합니다.

관심 있으신 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.



- : 2013. 7. 8 ~ 12 (~)

- : E11 Bldg., Room 102 (창의학습관)

- : Morris R. Driels교수님(Naval Postgraduate School)

- : "Weaponeering : Conventional Weapon Systems Effects"

- 초청자: 신영식 교수

- : 해양시스템공학전공

- : 해양시스템공학전공 학과사무실 (042-350-1508)

- 강의 팜플 별첨





We would like to invite all of you to a ICC Global Lecture by Prof. Morris R. Driels(Naval Postgraduate School).

Those interested in this area, please attend and listen to a very precious lecture.

- Date & Time : 2013. 7. 8 ~ 12(Mon~Fri)

- Venue : E11 Bldg., Room 102

- Lecturer : Prof. Morris R. Driels (Naval Postgraduate School)

- Title : "Weaponeering : Conventional Weapon Systems Effects"

- Inviter : Prof. Youngsik Shin

- Host : Department of Ocean Systems Engineering

- Contact Number : Department Office of OSE (042-350-1508)


