• 첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내 (생화공x원자력) The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum (CBE X NQE)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-03-26 13:28:37|
  • 10430

첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내

The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum

생명화학공학과와 원자력 및 양자공학과가 공동으로 개최하는 2014 4월 첫수 융합포럼에 여러분을 초대합니다.

We would like to invite you to "The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forumorganized by Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering.


일시: 2014. 4. 2() 오후 12:00

    Date: April 2(Wed), 2014, 12:00PM

장소: 창의학습관(E11) 101

    Venue: Room 101, Creative Learning Bldg.(E11)

연사: 김웅 교수(생명화학공학과), 윤종일 교수(원자력 및 양자공학과)

    Speakers: Prof. Woong Kim (Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)

                  Prof. Jong-Il Yun (Dept. of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering)


"Optimization of Acidogenesis and Molecular Analysis of Microbial Community in Two-phase Anaerobic Digestion treating Swine Wastewater" (Speaker: Prof. Woong Kim)

Anaerobic digestion has been widely investigated for the treatment of organic wastes due to the low sludge generation, effective odor control, aeration cost reduction, and methane production as a bioenergy. In order to optimize acidogenesis, response surface methodology was employed with respect to two independent variables such as hydraulic retention time and temperature. The optimization results of the response surface methodology revealed the predicted optimum acidogenic conditions to be a hydraulic retention time of 2.0 days and a temperature of 51°C. The present study investigated the shifts in the chemical profiles of a two-phase anaerobic digestion system in methanogenic and acidogenic reactors for the treatment of swine wastewater. Two-phase anaerobic digestion systems consisting of optimized thermophilic and mesophilic methanogenic digesters offer comparative advantages with respect to VS reduction efficiency with organic loading rates (OLRs) <4 g VS/L∙d. At a pilot level, methanogenic plants were operated for 70 d at an HRT of 20 d. In order to monitor the process, physicochemical parameters such as COD, soluble COD (sCOD), and VS; organic compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids; and biogas production were investigated. In addition, anaerobic serum bottle digesters were operated in the batch mode to analyze persistent proteins through sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and mass spectrometry. In pilot plants, the COD and VS reduction efficiencies were 65.3% (3.2%) and 51.0% (5.7%), respectively. In particular, VS reduction efficiency at the pilot scale was lower than that at the lab scale, which might be due to the poor activity of acidogens in pilot plants. In addition, the carbohydrate, protein, and lipid reduction efficiencies were 57.3% (3.2%), 44.7% (4.6%), and 60.7% (4.8%), respectively. In particular, carbohydrate reduction efficiency at the pilot scale was higher than that at the lab scale, which was assumed to be due to the difference in protein and carbohydrate compositions between the pilot and lab scale plants. In order to analyze proteins from raw swine wastewater and methanogenic effluent in the pilot plants and serum bottle digesters, SDS-PAGE was performed, and this analysis resulted in the formation of five major bands, indicating persistent proteins. In order to characterize these bands, mass spectrometry was conducted, and the other three proteins groups were identified to be lipoproteins, coenzyme-B sulfoethylthiotransferase, and N-acetyl-L-glutamate kinase (NAG kinase). Since each protein was essential for microorganism growth, such as methanogens or acidogens in anaerobic digesters, an additional subsequent reactor for efficient removal is considered necessary.

 "Pyroprocessing of Used Nuclear Fuel in Molten Salts: An Introduction" (Speaker: Prof. Jong-Il Yun)

    Molten salt chemistry has a variety of uses, such as electrometallurgy, fuel cell, battery, coating, nanocrystal synthesis, and treatment of by-products and energy conversion. In this talk, I will introduce the pyroprocessing of used nuclear fuel in the high temperature chloride molten salt which provides potentials of economic and environmental incentives for nuclear fuel cycle management by recovering fissile materials for energy extraction and minimizing the volume of nuclear waste and long-term storage and disposal materials. I will present thermodynamic and electrochemical properties and behaviors of metal ions for simulating the electrorefining process as the core by simultaneous electrochemical (CV, CP, Tafel) and spectroscopic measurements (absorption spectroscopy and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy). Briefly, the status of nuclear power in ROK and the state-of-the-art technology for nuclear fuel reprocessing will be discussed as well.

간단한 점심식사가 제공됩니다.

    Refreshments will be served for free.

관련문의 / Inquiry

    생명화학공학과 김세림 Serim Kim / Ex. 3902, sr_kim@kaist.ac.kr 

         원자력 및 양자공학과 김혜진 Hyejin Kim / Ex. 3802, hyejin@kaist.ac.kr 


생명화학공학과    학과장  이 재 형

원자력 및 양자공학과 학과장  임 만 성
