- 네이쳐지 편집국장 특별 강연 안내 (KAIST Distinguished Leadership Lecture by the Editor in Chief of Nature and of the Nature Publishing Group)
- 관리자 |
- 2014-03-31 15:42:42|
- 11387
국제협력처 및 KI 에서는 아래와 같이 네이쳐지(Nature Publishing) 편집국장님을 초청하여 'Challenges for High-Impact Journals and Those Who Publish in Them'를 주제로 특별강연을 진행하오니 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
= 아 래 =
o 주제: Challenges for High-Impact Journals and Those Who Publish in Them
o 강연자: Nature 편집국장 Dr.Philip Campbell
o 일시: 2014년 4. 8일(화) 오후 14~15시
o 장소: KI 빌딩, 퓨전홀
o 참가신청: 아래 웹페이지 링크에서 신청
o 문의: T. 2441, irt@kaist.ac.kr
붙임: 행사 포스터 1부. 끝.
This is to announce that Office of Institutional Relations and KI is hosting the KAIST Distinguished
Leadership Lecture by the Editor in Chief of Nature and of the Nature Publishing Group on April 8th, 2014.
= Details =
o Title: Challenges for High-Impact Journals and Those Who Publish in Them
o Lecturer: Dr. Philip Campbell, the Editor in Chief of Nature and of the Nature Publishing Group
o Date/Time: Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 14:00~15:00
o Venue: Fusion Hall, KI Building, KAIST
o Registration: please fill out the the form online
Click below to register
o Inquires: T. 2441, irt@kaist.ac.kr
Attachment: Event Poster
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