• Inside Cover: Robust Chirped Photonic Crystals Created by Controlled Colloidal Diffusion
  • 관리자 |
  • 2011-12-01 13:52:09|
  • 9140

Dr. Shin-Hyun Kim, Woong Chan Jeong, Hyerim Hwang and Prof. Seung-Man Yang Article first published online:28 SEP 2011

DOI: 10.1002/anie.201106643




An on-chip spectrometer has been developed using chirped 3D photonic crystals mounted on a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor sensor array. In their Communication on page 11 649 ff., S.-H. Kim, S.-M. Yang, and co-workers show that colloidal diffusion in a photocurable medium created gradual variations in the lattice constant of the colloidal crystals. The variations in the lattice constant resulted in a color gradient that spanned the entire visible range
