- [생명-원자력 첫수 융합포럼] 8.1(수) 12:00-12:50 창의관 101호(The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum)
- 관리자 |
- 2012-07-26 11:13:47|
- 13036
첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내
The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum
생명과학과와 원자력및양자공학과에서 공동으로 주관하는 8월 첫수 융합포럼에 여러분을 초대합니다.
Department of Biological Sciences and Department of Nuclear&Quantum Engineering
would like to invite you to "The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum” on August 1th.
❏ 일시 : 2012년 8월 1일(수) 12:00 – 12:50
Date: August 1th, 12:00 – 12:50
❏ 장소 : 창의학습관(E11) 101호
Venue: Room 101, Creative Learning Bldg. (E11)
❏ 연사 : 허원도 교수(생명과학과), 이재선 박사(한국원자력의학원)
Speaker: Prof. Won Do Heo (Dept. of Biological Sciences, KAIST)
Ph D. Jae-Seon Lee (KIRAMS)
❏ Abstract
(1) Bio-Imaging for the study of signaling live mammalian/ 허원도 교수
Bio-Imaging has become extremely powerful analytical tool in most biology laboratories,
as well as a routine methodology that is practiced in a wide ranging field of neurobiology,
developmental biology, pharmacology, and many other related biomedical research disciplines.
In order to understand complex cell signaling networks my laboratory has been developing
hundreds of protein perturbation tools and fluorescent biosensors. Recently my laboratory
developed several novel optogenetic technologies for controlling activities of diverse signaling
proteins in live mammalian cells. In the talk, I will introduce several novel bio-imaging
technologies that we recently developed and discuss how we understand mammalian cell
signaling through the recently developed bio-imaging technologies.
(2) The Importance of Premature Senescence in Radiotherapy/ 이재선 박사
Senescence was originally described in normal human cells undergoing a finite number of
divisions before permanent growth arrest. Senescence has recently become regarded as a
general biological program of terminal growth arrest, since a variety of treatments have been
shown to trigger premature senescence. DNA-damaging agents including ionizing radiation (IR)
and chemotherapeutic drugs induce senescent phenotypes in cancer cells. Recent studies suggest
that induction of premature senescence is a promising treatment for solid cancers.
Our final research goal is to increase the efficacy of radiotherapy via understanding of IR-induced
premature senescence in cancer cells. To achieve our research goal, firstly, we identified cathepsin
D and eukaryotic elongation factor 1 as novel senescence biomarkers using comparative proteomic
analysis (Cancer Research, 2009). Secondly, we elucidated molecular mechanism of c-Jun-N-terminal
kinase (JNK) inhibitor as a combinational drug for the radiotherapy (Oncogene, 2010).
We also demonstrated that PTEN-mutated cancer cells underwent premature senescence as a
compensatory role for apoptosis due to activation of AKT/ROS/p53/p21 signaling pathway in
IR-exposed glioma cells (Cell Death & Differ, 2011). Lastly, we identified Wig1 as a novel senescence
regulatory gene via dictating association of RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) with p21 mRNA
using microarray analysis in IR-induced senescent cancer cells (Manuscript in preparation, 2012).
Conclusively, our results affirm that radiotherapy (RT)-induced premature senescence could be an
alternative mechanism of apoptosis-resistant cancer cells, and we expect our findings may aid in the
understanding of the clinical significance of premature senescence in IR-treated cancer cells.
❏ 간단한 점심식사를 준비할 예정입니다.
Refreshments will be served for free.
❏ 관련 문의/ Inquiry : 생명과학과 김미희(T. 2605), 원자력및양자공학과 김혜진 (T. 3802)
생 명 과 학 과 장 한 용 만
원자력및양자공학과장 임 만 성
첨부파일 |
- 다음
- 「지식재산서비스업 채용연계 교육」 교육생 선발 (정부지원)
- 2012-08-06