- Special Presentation by Alan Mulally, the President and CEO of Ford Motor Company
- 관리자 |
- 2012-08-28 11:53:53|
- 7695
Alan Mulally, President & CEO of Ford Motor Company 특별강연에 여러분을 초청합니다. 참석하실 분은 "Apply On-line"을 눌러 신청하여 주시기 바랍니다.
● 연제: New Ford-성공적인 변화경영과 위기 극복
● 일시: 2012. 8. 31(금) 14:30~15:20
● 장소: 서울캠퍼스 1호관 대강당
경영대학 교학팀장 신명철 드림
KAIST College of Business invites you to a very special talk by Alan Mulally, an American engineer and business executive who is currently the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ford Motor Company.
To apply on-line, please click on "Apply On-line" on the poster.
Shin, Myongchol
Team Leader of Academic & Student Affairs, College of Business
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