• [전산학과-의과학대학원-웹사이언스공학전공 첫수 융합포럼] 11/7(수) 12:00 창의관 101호 (First Wednesdays Forum on Multidisciplinary)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2012-10-30 17:53:09|
  • 7828



첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내

The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum



전산학과, 의과학대학원, 웹사이언스공학전공에서 공동으로 주관하는 11 첫수 융합포럼에 여러분을 초대합니다.

Computer Science, Graduate School of Medical Science & Engineering(GSMSE) and Division of Web Science and Technology

would like to invite you to "The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum on November 7th.


일시 : 2012 11 7 () 12:00 13:00

Date: November 7th, 12:00 13:00


장소 : 창의학습관(E11) 101

Venue: Room 101, Creative Learning Bldg. (E11)


연사 : 박진아 교수(전산학과), 정범석 교수(의과학대학원), 백영민 교수(웹사이언스공학전공)

Speaker: Prof. Jinah Park (Computer Science), prof. Bumseok Jeong (GSMSE), Prof. Young Min Baek (Division of Web Science and Technology)





(1) Study on Interaction-induced Symptoms with respect to Virtual Grasping and Manipulation (Prof. Jinah Park)

Owing to the popularity of various hand tracking interfaces, there have been numerous applications developed to provide intuitive hand interaction with virtual world. As users start with great anticipation, they end up with dissatisfaction due to difficulties of manipulation or physical tiredness coming very short. Although the task itself is rather trivial in a real life situation, it requires much effort in the virtual environment. In this talk, I address this awkwardness as interaction-induced fatigue symptom and hypothesize its causes based on our observations that VR hand interaction behaviors are analogous to neurophysiologically affected hand


(2) Interaction between Brain and Experience (prof. Bumseok Jeong)

Brain is a dynamic system which can be modulated by gene, environment and their interaction. Previous neuroimaging studies have reported brain abnormalities as well as emotional/cognitive deficits in neuropsychiatric disorder (e.g., schizophrenia, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)). The structural or functional deficit in brain could be caused by psychologically severe trauma such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The previous studies suggest brain system could be affected by experience. In this talk, we will present both anatomical and functional change by neuropsychiatric disorder (ADHD, tic disorder) and by negative experience in childhood (Parental verbal abuse, witness to domestic violence). We will also discuss about environmental factors affecting mental health of KAIST community based on health screening data.


(3) Social and Parasocial Relationships on Social Network Sites and Their Relationship with Users Psychological Well-being (Prof. Young Min Baek)

With the advent of Social Network Services (SNSs), people can efficiently maintain preexisting social relationships and make online friendships without offline encounters. While such technological features of SNSs hold a variety of potential for individual and collective benefits, some scholars warn that SNSs use might lead to socially negative consequences, such as social isolation, erosion of social cohesion, or SNS addiction. This study distinguishes types of SNS relationships and investigates their effects on social isolation, interpersonal trust, and SNS addiction. We classify SNS relationships into two types: (1) social relationships based on reciprocity between a user and his/her friends, and (2) parasocial relationships in which an ordinary user is aware of activities of a celebrity (e.g., famous actors, athletes, and others) but not vice versa. Based on achievements in studies of media effect and social psychology, we construct a set of hypotheses and test them using a subsample of SNS users in South Korea. We found that higher dependency on parasocial relationships increases loneliness and promotes interpersonal distrust while dependency on social relationship decreases loneliness and promotes social trust. However, more dependency on both social and parasocial relationships results in higher SNS addiction. Implications based on findings are also discussed.



간단한 점심식사를 준비할 예정입니다. 학생 여러분의 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.

Refreshments will be served for free. Please come and enjoy.


관련 문의/ Inquiry :

     전산학과 박기희 (T. 3507), pgh0128@kaist.ac.kr

     의과학대학원 이재경 (T. 4232), jklee214@kaist.ac.kr

     웹사이언스공학전공 구미정 (T. 4864), khg1732@kaist.ac.kr

