• ******취소****** 뉴욕 Mount Sinai 병원 Dr. Roger Hajjar 초청 세미나 (2월 4일)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-01-21 13:23:06|
  • 10346


당일 예정이었던 아래 세미나 관련하여 죄송한 말씀 올리겠습니다.

기상악화로 인해 연사가 입국하지 못하여 오늘 예정이었던 세미나를 부득이하게 취소하게 되었습니다.

다시한번 죄송하다는 말씀드리며 오늘 세미나 일정이 취소되었음 알려드립니다.





오는 2 4 () 11시에 뉴욕 Mount Sinai 의대의 로저 하자르 (Roger Hajjar) 교수의 세미나를 개최합니다.
이번 세미나에서는 최초로 유전자치료(SERCA2a)를 통해 심장질환 임상 1상에 성공한 연구 내용을 소개하오니 많은 참석 바랍니다.

이관수 드림.

일시: 2013 2 4() 오전 11-12
장소: 정문술빌딩(E16) 219
연사: Roger J. Hajjar, MD
Cardiovascular Research Center,
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY

제목: "Targeting Calcium Cycling in Heart Failure: From basic mechanisms to clinical trials

Congestive heart failure remains a progressive disease with a desperate need for innovative
therapies to reverse the course of ventricular dysfunction. Recent advances in understanding
the molecular basis of myocardial dysfunction, together with the evolution of increasingly efficient
gene transfer technology have placed heart failure within reach of gene-based therapies.
One of the key abnormalities in both human and experimental HF is a defect in sarcoplasmic
reticulum (SR) function, which is responsible for abnormal intracellular Ca2+ handling.
Deficient SR Ca2+ uptake during relaxation has been identified in failing hearts from both humans
and animal models and has been associated with a decrease in the activity of the SR Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2a).
Over the last ten years we have undertaken a program of targeting important calcium cycling proteins
in experimental models of heart by somatic gene transfer. This has led to the completion of a first-in-man
phase 1 clinical trial of gene therapy for heart failure using adeno-associated vector (AAV) type 1 carrying
SERCA2a. In this Phase I trial, there was evidence of clinically meaningful improvements in functional status
and/or cardiac function which were observed in the majority of patients at various time points.
The safety profile of AAV gene therapy along with the positive biological signals obtained
from this phase 1 trial has led to the initiation and recent completion of a phase 2 trial of AAV1.SERCA2a
in NYHA class III/IV patients. In the phase 2 trial, gene transfer of SERCA2a was found to be safe and
associated with benefit in clinical outcomes, symptoms, functional status, NT-proBNP and cardiac structure.
Furthermore, the recent successful and safe completion of the CUPID trial along
with the start of more recent phase 1 trials usher a new era for gene therapy for the treatment of heart failure.

문의 : 박옥주 (042.350.5368, okju@kaist.ac.kr)


