• 3월 첫수융합포럼 안내 The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum, March, 2013
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-03-13 14:31:17|
  • 8547


첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내

The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum


건설 및 환경공학과, 인문사회과학과, 과학기술정책대학원 3 학과 공동으로 주관하는

3 첫수 융합포럼 여러분을 초대합니다.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences,

and Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy would like to invite faculty members and students to

"The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum on March 20(Wed), 2013.



일시 : 2013. 3. 20() 정오12:00

Date : March 20(Wed), 2013, 12:00 at noon


장소 : 창의학습관(Bldg# E11) 101

Venue : Room# 101, Creative Learning Bldg. (#E11)


연사 발표 주제

Main Topic : Multifaceted Sustainability: Urban Politics, Infrastructure, Food Production


학과명 Dept.

연사 Speaker

발표 주제 Topic to present


Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, KAIST

김동주 교수

Prof. Dong Ju Kim

Sustainability and Contested Knowledge Claims in Food Production


Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy, KAIST

이윤정 교수

Prof. Yoon Jung Lee

Governing Quality of Life:

    Urban Governance and Environmental Politics in

    Silicon Valley

건설 환경공학과 

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST

윤윤진 교수

Prof. Yoonjin Yoon 

Sustainable and resilient infrastructure



간단한 점심식사를 준비할 예정입니다.

Refreshments will be served for free.


관련문의 /Inquiry :

건설및환경공학과 김숙경/ Ext. 3604 soae@kaist.ac.kr

인문사회과학과 박혜영 / Ext. 4602, parkhy@kaist.ac.kr

     과학기술정책대학원 박진영 / Ext. 4843, xiah1004@kaist.ac.kr

