• 세미나 안내 (13.11.15.금, AM 10:30, 응용공학동 영상강의실, 연사 : Prof. Qiang Hu(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-11-12 10:21:06|
  • 7756

세 미 나


제목 : Advances and Perspectives of Microalgae-Based Fuels and Chemicals

연사 : Qiang Hu (Microalgal Biotechnology and Biofuels Center, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

초청 : ABC (Advanced Biomass R&D Center)

일시 : 2013. 11. 15 ()  AM 10:30

장소 : 응용공학동 영상강의실 (Multimedia hall, 1th Floor) 



Microalgae represent the most promising source of renewable fuels and chemicals with minimal competition for land and water with food crops. Microalgae’s ability to efficiently utilize carbon dioxide from industrial sources for photosynthesis provides an added environmental benefit. However, microalgae also are the least known biological system. The production of microalgae has been limited to high-value specialty products and microalgal biofuels research and development are still in the early stages. In this presentation, the current understanding of photosynthetic carbon partitioning into various forms of macromolecules with special emphasis on the pathways for lipid synthesis and the molecular and cellular mechanisms of lipid accumulation in microalgae will be presented. Algal biology-inspired metabolic engineering of microalgae for trait development, particularly enhanced lipid production, will be highlighted. Critical assessment of the current photobioreactor development and algal mass culture will be provided. The path forward for microalgae-based fuel, food and feed with respect to both challenges and opportunities across the entire microalgal production value chain will be provided.