• [포럼] 12월 첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내 / The 1st Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum on Dec. 4, 2013
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-11-22 16:44:36|
  • 7225




첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내

The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum


산업 및 시스템 공학과, 나노과학기술대학원에서 공동으로 주관하는 2013 12월 첫수 융합포럼에 여러분을 초대합니다.

Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering and Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology would like to invite you "The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum as follows.


일시 : 2013. 12. 4() 정오12:00

    Date : December 4(Wed), 2013, 12:00 at noon


장소 : 창의학습관(Bldg# E11) 101

    Venue : Room# 101, Creative Learning Bldg. (#E11)


연사 : 제임스 모리슨 교수(산업 및 시스템 공학과), 정 인 교수(나노과학기술대학원)

    Speakers : Prof. James. R. Morrison(Dept of Industrial & Systems Engineering) 

                   Prof. Chung, In(Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology)


Topic &Abstract:

"Recent Directions in the Theory of Flow Lines with Applications to Semiconductor Manufacturing" (Speaker: Prof. James. R. Morrison)

Flow lines can serve as prototypical models for a host of systems including assembly lines and semiconductor manufacturing equipment. 
They consist of a series of servers with finite capacity buffers between them. Despite having been studied since the 1960
s, there remain many unresolved issues and opportunities. Here we first review recent results in the theory of regular flow lines. 
We next discuss two applications of these results in the context of semiconductor wafer fabrication.


  "Toward low-cost, next generation solar cells" (Speaker: Prof. Chung, In)

Solar energy conversion is one of the most promising renewable energy technologies, potentially contributing to solving energy problems that humanity faces. Conventional solar cells are based on semiconductor materials such as Si, CdTe, and CuInxGa1-xSe2 and are too expensive to persuade consumers to purchase them. 
In this talk, I will present problems of current solar cell technologies briefly. Then, I will introduce a recent breakthrough for low-cost, high performance solar cell technology utilizing soluble inorganic semiconductors by a simple fabrication process.


간단한 점심식사를 준비할 예정입니다.

    Refreshments will be served for free.


관련문의 / Inquiry

    산업 및 시스템 공학과 노수정 / Ext. 3102, nohsj@kaist.ac.kr (Mrs. Noh, S. J.)

         나노과학기술대학원 양재명 / Ext. 1102, jmyang@kaist.ac.kr (Mrs. Yang, J. M.)



산업 및 시스템 공학과 학과장 신 하 용

나노과학기술대학원 학과장 신 중 훈



