• [나노과학기술대학원] 11 June, 4PM, "A Journey of Trains of Droplets in Droplet-based Microfluidic Devices"
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-06-09 18:11:47|
  • 11177


일시: 6 11 (), 4
장소: 나노과학기술대학원 E6-6, 118
제목: A Journey of Trains of Droplets in Droplet-based Microfluidic Devices
연사: Kwang W. Oh, Ph.D., Associate Professor

A Journey of Trains of Droplets in Droplet-based Microfluidic Devices


Kwang W. Oh, Ph.D., Associate Professor

SMALL (Sensors & MicroActuators Learning Lab)

Departments of Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (SUNY at Buffalo), Buffalo, NY 14260 USA

kwangoh@buffalo.edu, http://www.SMALL.buffalo.edu




A journey of trains of microdroplets has begun through droplet-based microfluidic devices. Droplet-based microfluidics has a huge advantage compared with the continuous flow microfluidics. One of the most significant advantages is that each dispersed microdroplet can act as a single microreactor, enabling high throughput biological and chemical experiments. The manipulation of individual droplets with remarkable sophistication is essential to perform such large-scale assays. This talk will focus on active and passive manipulation methods introduced at SMALL@SUNY-Buffalo. Selected examples (e.g., droplet formation, charging, switching/sorting, fusion, synchronization, guiding/distribution, clustering, mixing, splitting, particle encapsulation, particle separation) will be coved in the talk. These unit functions have been demonstrated by using active means (e.g., electric field, dynamic flow control) and/or passive structures (e.g., railroad-like channel, guiding tracks). The integration of these functions with large numbers of droplets in microfluidic systems will offer the potential for a wide range of applications—genomics, proteomics, single cell analysis, cell selection, phage selection, chemical reactions, many others. In addition, microfluidic applications (i.e., microfluidic circuits and blood separation devices) performed at SMALL@SUNY-Buffalo will be discussed.


About The Speaker:


Kwang W. Oh is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering at SUNY at Buffalo. He received his BS degree with high honors in Physics from Chonbuk National University, Korea, in 1995.  He earned his PhD degree from the University of Cincinnati in 2001. Prior to joining SUNY-Buffalo in 2006, he worked at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Korea, where he developed micro PCR (polymerase-chain-reaction) and LOC (lab-on-chip) platforms for clinical diagnostics. He has (co)authored over 110 technical publications and holds 19 US patents. Recently, his work has been highlighted in the Lab Chip's 2012 Emerging Investigators themed issue in the field of microfluidics. He is serving as a co-chair of the symposium section of Micro and Nano Fluidics at the NSTI NanoTech Conference since 2012. Also, he is serving as Guest Editor for a Special Issue (On-Chip Sensors) of Sensors. His current research focuses on droplet-based microfluidics, microfluidic networks, 3D cell culture platforms, micro valves and actuators, and microfluidic applications. His research is extensively funded through NSF (National Science Foundation).
