- [첫수융합포럼 2015.3.25(수) 전기및전자공학부/과학기술정책대학원] the First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum (EE & STP) Mar. 25 (Wed.), 12:00 (E11) #101
- 관리자 |
- 2015-03-23 11:15:03|
- 10844
전기및전자공학부와 과학기술정책대학원에서 2015년 3월 첫수융합포럼을 공동개최하오니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
* 주제
- "Aging and Mobility: An Interdisciplinary Approach Between Social Science and ICT" by Prof. Moon Jeong Choi (STP)
- "Study of a Radar System for Sensing of bio Signal and Detecting Small UAVs" by Prof. Seong-Ook Park (EE)
* 장소: 창의관 (E11), 1층 101호
* 일시: 3월 25일 수요일 12시 (점심제공/한국어로 진행)
전기및전자공학부 학부장 이창희
과학기술정책대학원 학과장 박범순
KAIST EE & STP cordially invite you to the First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum.
- "Aging and Mobility: An Interdisciplinary Approach Between Social Science and ICT" by Prof. Moon Jeong Choi (STP)
- "Study of a Radar System for Sensing of bio Signal and Detecting Small UAVs" by Prof. Seong-Ook Park (EE)
* Date: Mar. 25 (Wed.), 12:00 p.m.
* Venue: KAIST Creative Learning Building (E11) #101
* Contact
(EE) 042-350-3403, songcb@kaist.ac.kr (Chae Bin Song)
(STP) 042-350-4842, maristella@kaist.ac.kr (Geon Young Lim)
Lunch will be provided and the lecture will be given in Korean.
Prof. Lee, Chang-Hee
Head, School of Electrical Engineering
Prof. Buhm Soon Park
Head, Graduate School of Science & Technology Policy
첨부파일 |
- 이전
- UST 화학융합소재전공 석사과정 모집 안내
- 2015-03-18
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- [Startup KAIST] 기업가정신 세미나
- 2015-03-23