• 16-17 Nov, "KAIST CBE Global Distinguished Lectureship" with Dr. William J. Koros, GIT
  • 관리자 |
  • 2011-11-11 17:29:30|
  • 9578

우리 과에서 오는 11 16, 17일 양일간 Georgia Tech  William J. Koros 교수님을 모시고 아래와 같이 1 KAIST CBE Global Distinguished Lectureship을 개최합니다.


관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.



Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering holds <The Inaugural Annual KAIST CBE Global Distinguished Lectureship> on 16-17 November, inviting Dr. William J. Koros at Georgia Institute of Technology.


Those who are interested, please come and join the event.





The Inaugural Annual KAIST CBE Global Distinguished Lectureship

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


November 16-17, 2011 / 4:30 PM
W1-3 Building / 1F, Multimedia Hall


Presented by


Dr. William J. Koros

School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology



Lecture 1  November 16 / 4:30 PM

Membranes and sorbents: large scale separation change agents for a sustainable future


Lecture 2  November 17 / 4:30 PM.

Engineering a revolution in membranes and sorbents: the details are important





*The leaflet is attached.

*There will be a reception after the first seminar on 16th.