- Ph.D Qualifying Exam Announcement, January 2014
- 관리자 |
- 2013-12-17 15:13:25|
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Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
PhD. Qualifying Exam Announcement
1. Applicant: PhD candidates who have not passed the qualification exam
2. Schedule
Date & Time
January 6 (Mon) - 9 (Thu)
Dept. Office
Serim Kim (x3902)
Written Exam
January 13 (Mon) 10AM
Room 2122
Oral Exam
February 4 (Tue) - 5 (Wed)
Result Announcement
The results will be notified individually
3. Documents to Submit
① Application (prescribed form)
② Dissertation Plan (No specific format – please include your name, student number, name of your advisor on the first page)
③ List of Published Scientific Articles (Domestic/International) with Documented Evidence (the first page of the published article)
④ A Copy of Transcript (MS degree)
4. Evaluation and distribution:
①Written Exam
− Written exam will be set based on the contents of CBE602 <Problem Solving in CBE>.
− Written exam is exempt for those who receive higher grade than A- in CBE602.
− Those who fail in written exam are considered disqualified from document/oral exam, and fail in the PhD Qualification accordingly.
− Written exam is applicable to students who entered in 2013 and onward. Therefore, those who entered in 2012 and before are exempted from written exam.
②Document Evaluation
400 points
Dissertation Plan, Published Scientific Articles, Grade(MS)
③Oral Exam
400 points
Conducted by the evaluation committee of 3 professors under the supervision of the applicant’s advisor
※ Important Note
◦ Students on leave of absence cannot apply for the qualification exam.
◦ Leave of absence is limited to 2 years (exclusive).
◦ PhD students who entered in 2009 and onward must pass the qualification exam within 1 and a half years of admittance. Integrated MS/PhD degree students calculate the period from the beginning of the Integrated MS/PhD degree program. There’s no limit to the number of times you can apply for the exam. → Students of CBE must apply for the qualification exam within 1 year of admittance, or will be considered disqualified.
◦ Students failing to pass qualifying exam within the given period are subject to expulsion.
◦ It is recommended to pass the qualification exam before the proposal screening.
2013. 12. 17
Department Chair
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
- 이전
- 2014년 전기 박사자격시험 공고
- 2013-12-17
- 다음
- 2013년 가을학기 <분자공학실험> "우수조교" 포상 안내
- 2013-12-18