• 2014 KAIST-KTH Exchange Program (Post-doctoral researcher, Professor) 참가 신청 안내
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-04-07 15:09:23|
  • 8742


KAIST-KTH(스웨덴왕립공대) Exchange Program에 참가할 KAIST 박사후 과정 연구원과 Visiting Scholar(전임직 교수)를 선발합니다.


해당 프로그램을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 참가를 희망하는 분은 4 18()까지 학과 행정팀으로 신청 바랍니다.


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. 지원자격

- 박사후 과정 연구원: 의료 공학 및 유사 전공 박사학위 소지자 및 박사과정 졸업예정자(2014 8월 졸업예정)

- 교수(Visiting Scholar): 의료 공학 및 유사 전공분야, 관련 융합연구를 하고 있는 KAIST 전임직 교원


. 파견인원 및 기간

- 박사후 과정 연구원: 3, 2년 파견

- 교수: 2, 2014년 중 6개월 파견

*파견시점은 2014 9월 예정

*상기 파견 기간과 파견 희망기간이 다를 경우 향후 검토 예정


. 재정지원(KTH측 지원

구 분


박사후 과정



1인당 지원액: SEK1,000,000 (SEK500,000/*2)

*파견기간 동안 월급은 KAIST 규정에 따라 KAIST 측에서 지급되지 않음.

*Swedish Tax KTH 지급액의 25%이며, 이는 연구원 본인 부담을 원칙으로 함.

*이외 기타 소요비용은 연구원 본인이 부담함.




1인당 지원액: SEK500,000

- 항공료 SEK10,000

- 숙박비 SEK10,000/*6개월

- 생활비: SEK30,000/*6개월

- Additional costs & Social benefits(KTH측 지원 보조비용): SEK250,000

*파견기간 동안 월급은KAIST 규정에 따라 KAIST 측에서 지급됨

*Swedish Tax는 항공료를 제외한 KTH에서 지급되는 숙박비, 생활비, 추가지원금의 25%이며, 이는 교수 본인 부담을 원칙으로 함.

*이외 기타 소요비용은 교수 본인이 부담함.



- 위 재정지원액은 2012 11월에 양교에 의해 체결된 MoU에 따름.

- 항공권은 Economy Class로 본인이 직접 예약 후, 추후 영수증을 KTH쪽에 제출하여 실비 정산함.

- 숙박은 KTH측에서 캠퍼스 주변으로 Housing 예약을 지원하기로 함.


. 제출서류(모든 서류는 영문으로 제출 요망)

- CV 1(공통)

- Research Proposal 1(공통)

- 추천서 1(박사후 과정 연구원만 해당)

*CV Medical Engineering 분야에 대한 지식과 경험을 살려 작성 요망


. 지원방법

- 4 18()까지 학과 행정팀 담당자에게 신청 서류 제출 (김세림, sr_kim@kaist.ac.kr)


. 기타

- 추후 최종 선발 후, 파견 의뢰 및 관련 행정처리는 소속 학과에서 KAIST 규정에 따라 처리함.



KAIST will dispatch post-doctoral researchers and visiting scholars to KTH under the KAIST-KTH Exchange Program.


If you are interested in the exchange program detailed below, please send the application to the department office by 18 April. (Serim Kim sr_kim@kaist.ac.kr)



A. Eligibility

- Post-doctoral researchers: Ph.D degree holders or Ph.D students expected to get Ph.D. in August 2014 in the medical engineering or similar fields of study

- Visiting scholar: Full-time KAIST faculty of medical engineering or similar fields of study involved with interdisciplinary research


B. Number of Persons to be Dispatched and Period

- Post-doctoral researchers: 3, Two years

- Visiting scholar: 2, Six months

*Scheduled to be dispatched in September, 2014
*If designated dispatch period differs from the individuals' preferred duration, the proposed duration will be reviewed 


C. Financial Support (Provided by KTH)


Amounts of Grant

Post-doctoral researcher


Grant amount per person: SEK1,000,000 (SEK500,000/year* two years)

*During dispatch period, salary shall not be paid by KAIST according to the relevant KAIST regulations.

*According to the Swedish tax law, 25% tax will be imposed on the grant provided by KTH and the tax should be paid by the corresponding researcher.
*Other necessary expenses should be paid by the corresponding researcher.




Grant amount per person: SEK500,000

- Airfare: SEK10,000

- Accommodations: SEK10,000/month*6 months

- Living expenses: SEK30,000/month*6 months

- Additional costs & Social benefits(provided by KTH): SEK250,000

*During the dispatch period, salary will be paid monthly by the KAIST pursuant to the relevant KAIST regulations.

*According to the Swedish tax law, 25% tax will be imposed on the grant provided by KTH and the tax should be paid by the corresponding faculty. The taxable grant includes amounts covering lodging fee, living expenses and additional costs, except the airfare. The tax should be paid by the corresponding faculty.

*Other necessary expenses should be paid by the corresponding faculty.



- The grant amounts listed above have been determined according to the MoU signed by the two universities in November 2012.

- Each individual should buy an economy class air ticket and submit the receipt to KTH for reimbursement.

- Accommodations to be provided by KTH in the vicinity of the campus.


D. Required Documents (All documents must be in English)

- One copy of CV (All applicants)

- One copy of Research Proposal (All applicants)

- One copy of Letter of Recommendation (post-doctoral researcher only)

*CV should reflect personal knowledge and experience in the field of Medical Engineering.


E. How to Apply

- Please send the required documents to the department office by April 18. (Serim Kim sr_kim@kaist.ac.kr)


F. Others

- Administrative process following the candidate selection shall be handled by the respective academic departments each candidate belongs to according to the relevant KAIST regulations.





