- AOAIS2014 우수포스터상(양아름, 전승집, 김성환, 신원섭, 이윤혁)
- 관리자 |
- 2014-11-28 15:25:10|
- 13836
- 관련보도링크
11월 17일 부터 20일까지 호텔ICC에서 개최된 제3차 Asia-Oceania Algae Innovation Summit에서
우리학과 5명의 학생이 우수 포스터상을 수상하였다.
논문제목 및 저자:
Investigation of Signaling Pathways under Various Abiotic Stress Conditions for High Lipid Production
Ahreum Yang, Nam Kyu Kang, Hyun Gi Koh, Byeong-ryool Jeong, Bongsoo Lee, and Ji-won Yang
Nannochloropsis salina Cultivation using Materials Secreted from of Bacteria Response Surface Analysis (RSA) and Microbial Community Analysis of Anaerobic Digestion using Lipid Extracted Marine Microalgal Species, Nannochloropsis salina Systematically Programmed Adaptive Evolution Revealed the Potential Role of Carbon and Nitrogen Pathways during Lipid Accumulation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Natarajan Velmurugan, Yoon Hyeok Lee, Minji Sung, Min S Park, Ji Won Yang, Ki Jun Jeong
Seungjib Jeon, Nam Kyu Kang, Bongsoo Lee, and Ji-Won Yang
Sungwhan Kim, Woong Kim, and Ji-Won Yang
Generation of Chlorophyll-Deficient Mutant of Chlorella vulgaris via Random Mutagenesis to Improve Biomass Productivity
Won-Sub Shin, Jong-Hee Kwon, and Ji-Won Yang
첨부파일 |
- 이전
- 이재우교수 AIChE공로상 수상
- 2014-11-21
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- 임성순 박사과정생 우덕 윤병덕재단 장학생선정
- 2014-12-05