- UCSD 포닥 채용 공고
- 관리자 |
- 2021-10-14 15:07:35|
- 853
A postdoctoral candidate position in thin-film device fabrication and integration is available in the Integrated Electronics and Biointerfaces Laboratory (IEBL) at UC San Diego.
The postdoctoral candidate will perform translational research as part of a large engineering, neurophysiology, and clinical team to develop a wireless epilepsy monitoring system highlighted in this article.
The postdoctoral candidate will (1) refine the design of 4096 channel electrocorticography grids based on parylene C and a novel platinum nanorod electrode material and (2) lead the integration of the grids with acquisition and wireless electronics, (3) perform benchtop electrochemical, electrical, and mechanical validation and verification tests according to FDA and ISO standards, (4) participate in the electrophysiological recordings and analysis in rodents, pigs, and humans, (5) spearhead the documentation of the fabrication and test results for regulatory approvals in collaboration with quality assurance staff, (6) lead the interaction between the IEBL and other partner institutions that include Massachusetts General Hospital and Oregon Health & Sciences University.
Expertise in advanced microfabrication techniques and understanding of basic electronic devices and circuits and data analysis (MATLAB or equivalent) are required.
Expertise in neural interfaces and their electrochemistry, hardware programing, is preferred though not required but must to be swiftly acquired during the research at IEBL.
A PhD in Electrical Engineering and Physics (e.g., high level skill in microfabrication of thin film transistors and sensors, MEMS/NEMS devices, solid-state LEDs on flex) is preferred, or a PhD in Biomedical Device Engineering with specialization in neural interfaces is preferred. A PhD in close domains of research in Materials Science and Engineering will be considered if the PhD thesis work relates to the expertise discussed above.
Interested candidates should send their application materials to Prof. Shadi Dayeh at the email sdayeh@eng.ucsd.edu, which should include:
1. A one-page cover letter that summarizes prior expertise and accomplishments and how it matches the position described above.
2. A curriculum vitae that includes a complete list of publications and links to these publications including pre-prints.
3. The names of three reference letter writers.
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