• 이알엠 코리아- 2014 하반기 인턴쉽
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-10-13 17:16:28|
  • 7080

<2014 이알엠코리아 하반기 인턴쉽 모집>

한국 오피스는 중구 중림동에 위치해있고, 저희가 하는 서비스는 지속가능경영, 환경/보건/안전 위기 관리 컨설팅 서비스를 제공합니다.

3-6개월 가량의 인턴쉽을 제공하고 있습니다. 영어와 한국어 모두 능통한 학생에게 자격이 부여됨을 알려드리고, 혹시 궁금한 사항 있으시면 언제든 문의해주시기 바랍니다.  HR Manager (Katherine.kang@erm.com)


지원대상: 기졸업자및 2015 졸업자에 한함

전공: 화학공학/ 환경공학/기계공학

입사날짜: 채용시 마감 (10 )

영어 가능자 우대

지원서류: 이력서 (/영문), 성적증명서, 자기소개서 (입사날짜 기입) i.e. ERM Korea_Intern_Name_Date



ERM in Seoul, Korea sponsors internships for undergraduate and graduate students year-round. Our internships are substantive and are opportunities for students to learn and contribute significantly to projects throughout Asia Pacific and further afield.

Each internship application is assessed on a case by case basis. The success of an application depends on the needs of current projects and whether the experience can be beneficial for all concerned. It is important to us that the intern comes away with a rewarding experience and as such the work involved contributes directly to projects, be it in terms of research, data collection and analysis and/ or report writing. Korean language capabilities is required for this role.  Interns with good performance will be considered for permanent position.

At ERM we have a team of energetic consultants and support staff from different backgrounds making for a truly international office. With excellent business performance in the past years, we are on track to continue growing in the long run, in terms of both people and services. We believe in developing our talent internally and offer unparalleled project experience as well as extensive travel opportunities within Asia-Pacific and further afield.

If you have a passion for learning, and want to experience what a career is like at a leading environmental consulting firm please apply using the links below.

²  Preferable educational background: Undergraduate, Above Bachelor's degree in Chemistry Engineering/ Science/Environmental Engineering

²  Internship Period: 3month to 6month

²  Start Date: ASAP (2014.Oct)

²  Fluent in Korean and English

²  Documents: Detailed resume (1), Relevant transcripts (1), Cover letter indicating your available dates(1) please follow this format; i.e. ERM Korea_Intern_Name_Date

Should you wish to apply for an internship, please submit the following at least two months before the intended start of the internship, should you have any questions please contact to Katherine Kang (HR Manager):(Katherine.kang@erm.com)  
