• WorldQuant Quantitative Research Consultant 모집
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-10-24 17:29:50|
  • 9877

Quantitative Research Consultant


WorldQuant is a private institutional investment management complex consisting of an international team of researchers and technologists who constantly work toward even greater quantification and automation in the development of its processes.


Scope of Engagement (include, but not limited to the following):

We are seeking engineering, science, mathematics and finance majors for part-time research consultant position, involving the creation of computer-based models that seeks to predict the movements of worldwide financial markets. Candidates need not have prior knowledge of financial markets, but must have a strong interest in learning about stock markets and financial markets. Upon joining us, we will provide a series of quantitative finance training and seminars to offer you a chance to learn the fundamentals of quantitative finance and stock price movement prediction.



We offer outstanding learning and earning opportunities, which include:

-       Performance based compensation, for successfully contracted consultant

-       Training classes / seminars about quantitative finance research and modeling

-       Access to our web-based stock simulation system that you can use to develop your quantitative financial models

-       Rare opportunity for students in engineering and science to break into the financial industry


All interested candidates are invited to attend our company presentations(채용 설명회 일시,장소):


날짜: 10 27(월요일)

시간: 오후 5-7

장소: 고려대학교, 이공계캠퍼스, 하나스퀘어 지하1 115호 멀티미디어룸


날짜: 10 28(화요일)

시간: 오후 5-7

장소: 한국과학기술원(KAIST), 창의학습관(E11) 102호 강의실


날짜: 10 30(목요일)

시간: 오후 5-7

장소: 연세대학교 제1공학관 A328


Note: Company presentation schedule is subject to change. Please check with the university career center before you attend the presentation.



-       Hold or working toward a Bachelor’s degree or advanced degrees from a leading university in engineering, science, mathematics, finance or any other related field that is highly analytical and quantitative

-       Competent in a programming language

-       Strong interest in learning about worldwide financial markets



Flexible and online. As a Quantitative Research Consultant, you can use our proprietary web based simulation platform to experiment with quantitative investment research at any time and from anywhere with an internet connection.


How to Apply:

Interested and qualified candidates please register at https://websim.worldquant.com/contest to apply.


For inquiries, please contact us at websim-ticket@worldquant.com. Please specify your current residing country and Websim account in your email.


첨부1. 2014 Q4 Consultant Engagement Description_KR

첨부2. 2014 Q4 Global Consultant 채용 리플렛