- [듀폰코리아] 채용공고
- 관리자 |
- 2019-03-22 13:50:00|
- 9841
듀폰코리아 인사부입니다.
Lithography Sales Team에서 Associate Account Representative 신입사원을 채용 합니다.
[DuPont Korea] Associate Account Representative (신입)
· 소속법인 : 롬엔드하스전자재료코리아(주)
· 소속부서 : Lithography Sales team
· 근무지 : 서울시 강남구
· 근무형태: 정규직(Regular)
· Job Description :
Incumbent is expected to implement business strategies and marketing programs for one of DuPont's major products sales in Korea. The incumbent is expected to utilize the direct and indirect resources available to accomplish annual sales goals and target account plans.
Key responsibilities includes:
1. Aggressively develop new accounts and business opportunities for the products assigned.
2. Take initiatives in communication with R&D, Engineering Science, Customer Service, Supply Chain, Quality and relevant functions on business objectives.
3. Update customer needs, market trend and competitor activities continuously.
4. Become product and market expert to give best suggestions to customers.
5. Make good communication / contacts with DuPont functional expert to receive their best support.
6. Work closely with marketing to implement their strategy and help them to come up with best marketing plan.
7. Collaborate well with sellers in other countries and help them to get the business of customer's overseas project there.
· Qualifications:
1. Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical or Chemical Engineering
2. Driver’s license is required.
3. Good command of English is necessary.
4. Demonstrated ability to grow sales revenue by active account management as well identifying and satisfying the needs of all customer buying influences (technical, purchasing, marketing and supply chain)
· 마감일: 3월 31일(일)
· 제출서류: 국영문 이력서 및 자기소개서 (반드시 하나의 Word 또는 PDF 파일로 제출바랍니다.)
· 제출방법: 메일제목 ‘Associate Account Representative-성함OOO’로 이메일 접수
· 채용 담당자: 인사부 이민주(minju.lee@dupont.com)
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