• The 4th Annual KAIST CBE Global Distinguished Lectureship by Dr. Julio M. Ottino, 15-16 October
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-10-13 12:00:04|
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생명화학공학과에서 10 15(), 16() 이틀 간 “4 KAIST CBE Annual Global Distinguished Lectureship”을 개최해 알려 드립니다.


올해 4회 행사에 연사로 모신 분은 Northwestern University 공과대학장을 맡고 계신 Julio M. Ottino 교수님입니다.


Ottino 교수님은 과학자이자 아티스트로서, complex systems, mixing technology 분야를 연구하는 동시에 visual arts creativity에도 관심을 갖고 양쪽 분야에서 모두 활발히 활동하고 계십니다. 아래는 Ottino 교수님 홈페이지인 http://www.juliomarioottino.com/ 메인 화면에서 발췌한 소개 글입니다.


Julio M. Ottino is an artist, researcher, author, and educator at Northwestern University. Born in Argentina, Ottino grew up with twin interests in physical sciences and visual arts. He described science as “an island of stability in the sea of chaos that was Argentina in the 1970s.”  He was attracted by the cleanliness of the concepts which were in stark contrast to most of the things that surrounded student life during those days. Art provided a cathartic means of expression. For more complete biographical information, see ArtScience: Creativity in the post-Google Generation.

Ottino’s scientific interests, and most of the early attention he received, can be traced back to work in chaos theory and applications to mixing, which he started exploring in the 1980s. Ottino’s seminal insights stemmed from a combination of scientific insight and visualization. Most recently he has been interested in the study of complex systems as well as the interplay of art, technology, and science.

An academic entrepreneur, Ottino founded university-wide initiatives in the area of design, entrepreneurship, and energy and sustainability. He was the founder and co-director of the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems. In 2008 he was listed as one of the “One Hundred Engineers of the Modern Era".  He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has been a Guggenheim Fellow and is a member of both the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.



Ottino 교수님 강연은 15() 16() 각각 오후 4 30 1영상강의실에서 진행되며, 별도의 등록 절차 없이 관심 있는 분은 누구나 참여할 수 있습니다.


15()에는 Creativity in Science, Art, and Technology How art separated from science (and how they may join again)라는 주제로 학과 외부세미나 시간에 첫 번째 강연이 있고, 오후 4부터 영상강의실 앞에서 리셉션이 진행됩니다. 그리고 16()에는 Mixing of Fluids and Solids: Parallels, Divergences, and Lessons라는 주제로 두 번째 강연이 진행됩니다.


다가올 Global Distinguished Lectureship 행사에 생명화학공학과 학생 및 연구원 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다.



The 4th Annual KAIST CBE

Global Distinguished Lectureship


Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering



October 15-16, 2014 / 4:30 PM
W1-3 Building / Multimedia Hall


Dr. Julio M. Ottino


Dean, Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science

Distinguished Robert R. McCormick Institute Professor

Walter P. Murphy Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Northwestern University




Lecture 1

Creativity in Science, Art, and Technology – How art separated from science (and how they may join again)

October 15, Wednesday / 4:30 PM

Creativity is essential in art, in science, and in technology. But in what ways is creativity in these three areas different? In what ways is it similar? Technology is about invention, making and building; science is about unveiling, revealing what may already be there. Philosophers, placing the emphasis on uniqueness, have declared that science is ephemeral and that art is permanent and placed artistic creation on the highest plane. Others have taken the same viewpoint, but is this actually true? Or more pragmatically, are there creative processes and lessons that can be transferred across domains? And in what ways do the domains intersect and enrich each other? I will argue that artistic creativity reveals processes that hold lessons for scientific and technological creativity.



Lecture 2

Mixing of Fluids and Solids: Parallels, Divergences, and Lessons

October 16, Thursday / 4:30 PM

The birth of mixing of fluids and some of the first incursions into granular matter and segregation offer valuable insights and lessons. These two topics developed in wildly different ways and serve as examples of the power of couching ideas in elegant formalisms, but also of the problems that ensue when a general formalism is elusive. We present an array of results, spanning fluid mixing at one extreme and granular matter at the other. Examples cover vibration, surface flow, segregation, and pattern formation, and serve to illustrate questions of framing and analysis, connections with mathematical formalisms, and choosing an appropriate level of description and theoretical approach


