- (DEC.16) EEWS Special Seminar: Prof. Seung Soon Jang (Georgia Institute of Technology) "Multiscale Modeling of Polymer Electroly
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- 2014-12-15 18:05:37|
- 10575
EEWS대학원 김용훈 교수님 주관으로 아래와 같이 특별 초청 세미나를 진행하오니 대학원생 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다.
Georgia Institute of Technology의 장승순 교수님은 국제협력사업의 일환으로 2014-12-15(월)부터 2014-12-19(금)까지 카이스트 방문하십니다.
EEWS Special Seminar will be held as below. Anyone interested in this topic is warmly welcomed.
Prof. Jang of Georgia Institute of Technology has been invited by International Collaboration Project in 2014. He will stay in KAIST until December 19, 2014.
Multiscale Modeling of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell
■ Speaker: Prof. Seung Soon Jang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
■ Date & Time : 2014.12.16 (Tuesday) 4PM
■ Venue : Creative Learning Bldg. (E11) 4F. Rm. 408
■ Host: Prof. Yong-Hoon Kim (Ext. 1717)
■ CV & Abstract: Attached.
Thank you.
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