- 2011 KAIST BioMedical Science Symposium - Liver and Metablic Disease
- 관리자 |
- 2011-08-19 17:49:40|
- 9835
의과학대학원과 의과학연구센터에서 '2011 KAIST BioMedical Science Symposium - Liver and Metablic Disease'를 오는 8월 25일(목) 개최합니다.
* 일시: 2011.8. 25(목) 오후 1시~6시 30분
* 장소: 의과학연구센터(E7) 1층 원격강의실
** 사전 등록은 하지 않으셔도 됩니다.
이번 심포지엄은 간질환 및 대사 질환의 국내외 우수 연구자를 초빙하여 관련 분야 최신 연구 동향과 정보를 교류 할 수 있는 유익할 시간이 될 것입니다.
관심 있는 교수님과 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
The capability of basic biomedical research has been rapidly advanced, and the value of biomedical research is getting more and more important. Given the circumstances, the Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering (GSMSE), KAIST is inviting renowned scholars and biomedical researchers, and hosting 2011 KAIST BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM at 25th day of August, 2011.
With the distinguished biomedical scientists, such as Professor Soichi Kojima from RIKEN, the team leader of molecular ligand biology, and Professor Juro Sakai from University of Tokyo, a leading scientist in adipogenesis and fat cell metabolism, I am certain that this upcoming Symposium will bear fruits, and provide an opportunity to experience the biomedical trend in the world.
With the hope and the assurance that this Symposium will enhance exchange among researchers, be the foundation of biomedical network, and improve the biomedical research to the next level, GSMSE welcomes every participant of the Symposium.
Thank you.
* Date : August 25th (Thursday), 2011 / 13:00~18:30
* Venue: Room 1111, Biomedical Research Center (E7), KAIST
** Pre-registration is not required.
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