• [워크샵 안내] International Workshop On Exascale Supercomputing (EXACOMP2011)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2011-10-31 18:14:42|
  • 12981

안녕하세요. KAIST 전자과 박규호 교수입니다.

오는 11 3() 11 4일 양일에 걸쳐 서울 코엑스에서 다음과 같이 ExaScale Supercomputing Workshop이 개최됩니다. 많은 관심과 참석을 부탁 드립니다.




l  행사명: EXACOMP2011

-        http://www.exacomp.org, General Chair: Kyu Ho Park, Program Chair: Chan Hyun Youn

l  일시 : 11 3() ~ 4()

l  장소 : 서울 COEX 4층 남측 컨퍼런스센터 402

l  주최:  KAIST, ETRI, 차세대 컴퓨팅학회


l  주요일정

         초청강연 : Exascale supercomputing 관련 세계수준의 국내외 전문가들의 발표회

-       International Exascale Software Project PI Jack Dongarra 교수

-       세계 최고속도의 수퍼컴인 일본의 Kei Supercom 개발책임자 Shoji 박사(RIKEN),

-       미국 수퍼컴 Jaguar Supercom 개발자 Dr. Shipman(ORNL),

-       유럽의 HERMIT Supercom 개발자 DR. Wesner,

-       프랑스 ENS Yves교수, CERN Jarp박사,  Hollywood의 에니메이션 전문가등 국내외 전문가를 모시고 개최합니다.


l  등록안내

- 사전등록(11 2일까지)

            일반 : 300,000, 학생 : 150,000

           - 현장등록(행사 개최일 : 11 3 ~ 4일까지)

              일반 : 350,000, 학생 : 170,000

*현재 행사 홈페이지에서 사전 등록 접수 중입니다. (온라인 카드결제 가능)

행사 홈페이지 : http://www.exacomp.org/



ExaComp 2011 Workshop Program

2011.11.03 (Thu)

10:00 ~ 10:20

Opening Ceremony


10:20 ~ 11:00

Keynote I: International Exascale Software Project Roadmap

Speaker: Jack Dongarra, USA (Univ. of Tennessee)


Coffee Break

Session I: Top 500 Special Session


11:20 ~ 12:00

Title: Experience on Kei Supercomputer System

Speaker: Fumiyoshi Shoji, Japan (Riken)


12:00 ~ 12:40

Title: Experience on Jaguar Supercomputer System

Speaker: Galen M. Shipman, USA (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)


Lunch Break

Session II: Top 500 Special Session


13:30 ~ 14:10

Title: The HERMIT Supercomputer and the evolution of the PRACE multi petaflop/s infrastructure

Speaker: Dr. Stefan Wesner, PRACE


14:10 ~ 14:50

Title: Korea Supercomputing R&D Status

Speaker: Wan Choi, ETRI


Coffee Break

Session III: Heterogeneous and Many-Core Computing


15:10 ~ 15:50

Title: MN-MATE: Resource Management of Many-Core and NV-RAMs

Prof. Kyu Ho Park, KAIST


15:50 ~ 16:30

Title: OpenCL as a Programming Model for Large Scale Heterogeneous Parallel Computing

Speaker: Prof. Jaejin Lee, SNU


Coffee Break

Session IV: Many-Core Architecture and System Technology


16:50 ~ 17:30

Title: High Performance and Low Power Many-Core Architecture

Speaker: Prof. Hoi Joon Yoo, KAIST


17:30 ~ 18:10

Title: Virtualization for Exascale computing

Speaker: Prof. Yu Hyuk Korea University



09:00 ~ 10:00

Registration Open

10:00 ~ 10:40

Keynote II: Scheduling for Exascale Platforms: new challenges

Speaker: Yves Roberts, France (Ecole Normale de Lyon)

Coffee Break

Session V: Usage Examples of Exascale Supercomputing

11:00 ~ 11:40

Title: Large Scale Workflow-Based Genome Computing

Speaker: Chan-Hyun Youn (KAIST), In-Sun Chu (KRIBB)

11:40 ~ 12:20

Title: Rendering Challenges in Motion Picture Studios

Speaker: Jusub Kim, Rhythm and Hues Studio

12:20 ~ 13:00

Title: Today’s World-wide Computing Grid for the Large Hadron Collider (W-LCG): A Petascale Facility- Moving to Exascale?

Speaker: Sverre Jarp (CERN)

13:00 ~ 13:10

Closing Ceremony


EunGyeong Cho

Public Relations

The Department of Electrical Engineering



Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Korea

Office: Room 1212, Information and Electronics building(E3-2)

Tel: +82-42-350-3407, Fax: +82-42-350-3410

E-mail: kenzosj@kaist.ac.kr
