- [생명화공-수리과학] 6월 첫수융합포럼 안내 [CBE-MS] The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum, June
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- 2012-06-05 11:34:18|
- 11039
첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내
The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum
생명화학공학과와 수리과학과가 공동으로 주관하는 6월 첫수 융합포럼에 여러분을 초대합니다.
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Department of Mathematical Sciences would like to invite you to "The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum” on June 7th.
❏ 일시: 2012년 6월 7일(목) 12시
Date: June 7th, 2012 (Thu) 12PM
❏ 장소: 창의학습관(E11) 101호
Venue: Room 101, Creative Learning Bldg. (E11)
❏ 연사: 김윤호 박사(한국화학연구원), 김용정 교수(수리과학과)
Speaker: Dr. Yun Ho Kim (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology)
Prof. Yong Jung Kim (Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST)
❏ Abstract:
(1) Toroid Focal Conic Defects Topology for Opto-electronic Applications
Recently, it has been reported that liquid crystal (LC) defects can be used to create highly periodic templates by controlling the surface anchoring and the elastic properties of LC molecules. The self-assembled defect ordering of the LC materials takes advantage of the ability to achieve fast stabilization of molecular ordering and structure due to the reversible and non-covalent interactions of the LC molecules.
To introduce this new type of building block based on LC defect order, firstly I will describe various types of LC phases and their versatile defect structures. In particular, toroidal focal conic domains (TFCDs), which are typical defect structures of the smectic phase, will be demonstrated in this presentation. The mechanism of TFCD formation is described in terms of surface anchoring, direct internal structure observation, topology and energetics.
The present findings at here pose new theoretical challenges and potentially open the way for lithographic applications based on liquid crystalline materials. As a potential application, the LC defect arrays were used for various soft lithographic templates, photolithographic mask, microlens array, optical vortex array and superyhydrophobic surfaces.
(2) Being busy without a purpose is no better than just being lazy
The purpose of this talk is to introduce a diffusion process that fits to biological organisms in ecology models. The basic assumption is that organisms increase their motility to move to other places if they are not satisfied with the environment. If they know where is a better place, it gives a pure advection, which we do not assume in this note. However, even if they do not have such information, we will see that certain motility changes depending on environment may help the survival of a species.
❏ 간단한 점심식사를 준비할 예정입니다.
Refreshments will be served for free.
❏ 관련 문의 / Inquiry:
생명화학공학과 김세림 / CBE - Serim Kim (x3902, sr_kim@kaist.ac.kr)
수리과학과 박이화 / MS - Ei Hwa Park (X2702, e_ehpark@kaist.ac.kr)
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