- [바이오뇌공학과-EEWS-조천식녹색교통대학원 첫수 융합포럼] 9.5(수) 12:00 창의관 101호 (First Wednesdays Forum on Multidisciplinary)
- 관리자 |
- 2012-08-28 11:20:22|
- 8948
첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내
First Wednesdays Forum on Multidisciplinary
Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, Graduate School of EEWS and The Cho Chun Shik Graduate School for Green Transportation invite you to "First Wednesdays Forum on Multidisciplinary”on September 5th.
❏ Date: September 5th, 12:00-13:00
❏ Venue: Room 101, Creative Learning Bldg. (E11)
❏ Topic: From Flexible to Sustainable
❏ Speaker: Pilnam Kim (Department of Bio and Brain Engineering),
Jung-Yong Lee (Graduate School of EEWS)
In-Soo Suh (The Cho Chun Shik Graduate School for Green Transportation)
❏ Program
- 12:00 ~ 12:05(5min.) Opening Remark (Pilnam Kim)
- 12:05 ~ 12:25(7min. each) Agenda Presentation (Pilnam Kim, Jung-Yong Lee, In-Soo Suh)
- 12:30 ~ 13:00(30min.) Open discussion
- 13:00 ~ 13:05(5min.) Wrap-up (In-Soo Suh)
❏ Abstract
Folded Patterns in Living Things (Pilnam Kim)
Living things exploits pattern formation in may ways. Differences in the rates of tissue growth could create mechanical stresses or pressures that lead to buckling and folding of elastic body. Therefore, studying the mechanisms for pattern formations of living organism in the mechanical aspect is of great importance for providing a new insight in terms of biomimetic engineering or approaches. This talk will address these issues by talking advantage of unique capabilities of multi-scale fabrication to create inspired system having a certain properties that enable us to precisely recapitulate various pattern formation processes into artificial system.
Let’s be flexible! (Jung-Yong Lee)
Remarkable development of technology has given us full access of useful knowledge at our own fingertips. However, such electronic gadgets as iPhone and iPad are still too heavy and vulnerable to environment; having each component of such devices flexible is an essential step to enable us to wear them just like everyday clothes. n this forum, we will address the challenges to achieve the devices, nd imagine how our lives look with those devices available.
Flexibility & Foldable EV (In-Soo Suh)
Toward electrified future transportation system, the flexibility in view of customers’ convenience and safety can trigger creative means of transportation such as foldable electric and personal mobility vehicles (PMVs). A concept design process of “foldable EV” will be introduced followed by the discussion on implementing PMV with technological issues.
Questions: Janee Koo(Ext. 4302), Jaegeun Jang (Ext. 1705), Young-Ju kim (Ext. 1252)
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