• [BK세미나] 10월 16일(화) 오후 4:30, 황경순 교수(University of Texas, Austin)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2012-10-05 12:07:29|
  • 12307



우리 과에서는 10 16() 오후 4 30 1세미나실에서 University of Texas, Austin 황경순 교수님 모시고 BK 초청 세미나 개최합니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다

  *첨부: 세미나 포스터

BK Special Invited Seminar


- Speaker: Prof. Gyeong S. Hwang, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin

- Date/Time: 16 October, 2012 (Tue) 16:30-17:30

- Place: #1101 @ W1-3 Bldg.

- Title: Computational Materials Design for Energy Storage and Conversion

- Contact: Serim Kim (X3902)


A variety of novel composite materials have been used/tested for next-generation energy storage and conversion devices. However, in many cases little is known about their properties and performance, although such fundamental understanding is essential for further advances in energy storage and conversion technologies. Experiments may yield many clues to the behavior of those materials, but the interpretations are often controversial due largely to the difficulty of direct characterization. Under such circumstances, first principles-based computational approaches have emerged as one of the most powerful tools for design and development of new energy materials. This talk will focus on introducing our ongoing efforts in first principles modeling of energy storage and conversion materials. In the first part of my talk, I will discuss the properties and performance of silicon/carbon-based nanomaterials and composites for lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, particularly the lithiation and delithiation mechanisms of Si near the surface and interface, with comparisons to those in bulk Si, as well as the surface and interface effects on the anode performance, such as charging rate and capacity retention. In the second part, I will present recent progress in our collaborative theoretical and experimental efforts to explore photocatalysts with the requisite band gaps, stability, costs, and abundance for solar-powered hydrogen production. In particular, this talk will highlight the effects of crystal structure and doping on the photocatalytic performance of BiVO4 that has recently garnered considerable attention due to its high catalytic activity for photoelectrochemical water splitting.


