• [2014 Distinguished Lecture Series] IEEE Fellow, UC Berkeley, Prof. Leon Chua
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-04-15 09:38:46|
  • 10391


국제협력처에서 아래와 같이 UC Berkeley,Leon Chua 교수님을 초청하여 'Memristors: New Device with Intelligence'를 주제로 특별강연을 진행합니다.


관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

               =            =

o 주제: Memristors: New Device with Intelligence

o 강연자: UC Berkeley,Leon Chua 교수님

o 일시: 2014 4. 16()  14~16

o 장소: 다목적홀 (#117) , 1
         김병호&김삼열 IT 융합 빌딩 (N1), KAIST

o 참가신청: 아래 웹페이지 링크에서 신청


o 문의 2441. irt@kaist.edu

붙임: 행사 포스터 1. .

is to announce that Office of Institutional Relations is hosting the KAIST Distinguished

Leadership Lecture by Professor Leon Chua at UC Berkeley on April 16th, 2014 as belows.

               =    Belows    =

o Title: Memristors: New Device with Intelligence

o Lecturer: UC Berkeley, Prof. Leon Chua 
o Date/Time: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at 14:00~16:00
o Venue: Kim Beang-Ho&Kim Sam-Youl IT Convergence Building [N1], 1F Multipurpose Auditorium #117

o Registration: please fill out the the form online

Click below to register

o Inquires: T. 2441, irt@kaist.ac.kr
Attachment: Event Poster


