- [특별세미나] Dr. Daniel Recht, 5월 8일(목), 오후 4시, #1101
- 관리자 |
- 2014-05-07 11:44:16|
- 9056
[ 특 별 세 미 나 안 내 ]
▶ 연사 : Dr. Daniel Recht (Leader of the Emerging Markets and Technologies Team, OCI)
▶ 일시 : 2014. 5. 8(목) 16:00
▶ 장소 : 생명화공 1101호 (제1세미나실)
▶ 문의 : 신소재공학과 신병하 교수 (T.3315)
▶ Bio & Abstract :
Bio: As the leader of the Emerging Markets and Technologies Team at OCI, Daniel Recht advises
the top management of a multibillion-dollar chemical, materials, and renewable energy company
on how to grow their business by developing and producing new technologies for a sustainable
future. In addition to identifying new opportunities for OCI to pursue internally, Daniel and his team
forge strategic partnerships between OCI and startup companies with innovative technologies.
An accomplished young materials scientist with more than 20 peer-reviewed publications, Daniel obtained
his Ph.D. in applied physics at Harvard University where he led the Harvard Energy Journal Club and
helped design and teach two new courses on energy technology and climate science.
Abstract: The path from engineering research to a commercial product is long and difficult. To make
the struggle worthwhile, it is important to start with a technology idea that satisfies a market need.
In this talk, I will discuss how the Emerging Markets and Technologies Team at OCI uses market insight to
generate and choose technology ideas for further development. I will then use solar photovoltaics as a case
study to demonstrate our approach and suggest some potentially interesting areas for engineering research.
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