• [Inside front cover] Solar-driven biocatalytic C-hydroxylation through direct transfer of photoinduced electrons
  • 관리자 |
  • 2019-02-08 17:28:21|
  • 13349

Title: Solar-driven biocatalytic C-hydroxylation through direct transfer of photoinduced electrons


Author: Thien-Kim Le,*  Jong Hyun Park,* Da Som Choi,* Ga-Young Lee, Woo Sung Choi, Ki Jun Jeong,** Chan Beum Park** and Chul-Ho Yun**  

*Co-first author, **Co-corresponding author


Journal: Green Chem, 2019, 21, 515-525


Abstract: Despite the immense potential of P450s, the dependence on the nicotinamide cofactor (NADPH) and NADPH-P450 reductase (CPR) limits their employment in the chemical industry. Here, we present a visible light-driven platform for biocatalytic C-hydroxylation reactions using natural flavin molecules, especially flavin mononucleotide, as a photosensitizer. By employing visible light as a source of energy instead of the nicotinamide cofactor, the bacterial CYP102A1 heme domain was successfully applied for photobiocatalytic C-hydroxylation of 4-nitrophenol and lauric acid in the absence of NADPH and CPR. We present a proof of concept that the photoactivation of flavins is productively coupled with the direct transfer of photoinduced electrons to the P450 heme iron, achieving photobiocatalytic C-hydroxylation reactions. 


논문 website : https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2019/gc/c8gc02398k?page=search



