• [Inside Back Cover] Rationally Designed Donor–Acceptor Random Copolymers with Optimized Complementary Light Absorption for Highl
  • 관리자 |
  • 2017-10-23 11:34:17|
  • 8741

Title: Rationally Designed DonorAcceptor Random Copolymers with Optimized Complementary Light Absorption for Highly Efcient All-Polymer Solar Cells


Author: Sang Woo Kim, Joonhyeong Choi, Thi Thu Trang Bui, Changyeon Lee, Changsoon Cho, Kwangmin Na, Jihye Jung, Chang Eun Song, Biwu Ma, Jung-Yong Lee, Won Suk Shin,* and Bumjoon J. Kim*


Journal: Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, 1703070


Abstract: Most of the high-performance all-polymer solar cells (all-PSCs) reported to date are based on polymer donor and polymer acceptor pairs with largely overlapped light absorption properties, which seriously limits the efciency of all-PSCs. This study reports the development of a series of random copolymer donors possessing complementary light absorption with the naphthalenediimide-based polymer acceptor P(NDI2HD-T2) for highly efcient all-PSCs. By controlling the molar ratio of the electron-rich benzodithiophene (BDTT) and electron-decient uorinated-thienothiophene (TT-F) units, a series of polymer donors with BDTT:TT-F ratios of 1:1 (P1), 3:1 (P2), 5:1 (P3), and 7:1 (P4) are prepared. The synthetic control of polymer composition allows for precise tuning of the light absorption properties of these new polymer donors, enabling optimization of light absorption properties to complement those of the P(NDI2HD-T2) acceptor. Copolymer P1 is found to be the optimal polymer donor for the fullerene-based solar cells due to its high light absorption, whereas the highest power conversion efciency of 6.81% is achieved for the all-PSCs with P3, which has the most complementary light absorption with P(NDI2HD-T2). 




