- [Front cover] Selective Coloration of Melanin Nanospheres through Resonant Mie Scattering
- 관리자 |
- 2017-06-30 15:04:45|
- 8646
Title: [Front cover] Selective Coloration of Melanin Nanospheres throughResonant Mie Scattering
Author: Soojeong Cho, Tae SoupShim, Ju Hyeon Kim, Dong-Hyun Kim, and Shin-Hyun Kim*
Journal: Advanced Materials,2017, Vol.29, 1700256
Black melanin inks are preparedto selectively exhibit colors under strong light, inspired by human hair. Highabsorbance of melanin suppresses multiple scattering, causing resonant Miescattering predominant. Various colors can be developed as the resonantwavelength dictated by nanosphere diameter. Therefore, the melanin inks can beused to encrypt and selectively disclose multicolor patterns foranticounterfeiting applications.
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