- [Inside Front Cover] Sustainable Redox Mediation for Lithium–Oxygen Batteries by a Composite Protective Layer on the Lithium-Met
- 관리자 |
- 2016-03-16 10:03:41|
- 9044
Sustainable Redox Mediation for Lithium–Oxygen Batteries by a Composite Protective Layer on the Lithium-Metal Anode
Dong Jin Lee†, Hongkyung Lee†, Yun-Jung Kim , Jung-Ki Park ,* and Hee-Tak Kim* († denotes equal contribution)
Advanced Materials, Vol. 28, Issue 5, page 857-863 (February 3, 2016)
A synergic combination of a soluble redox mediator and a protected Li metal electrode to prevent the self-discharge of the redox mediator is realized by exploiting a 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyl 1-oxyl (TEMPO) redox mediator and an Al2O3/PVdF-HFP composite protective layer (CPL). Stabilization of Li metal by simple CPL coating is effective at suppressing the chemical reduction of the oxidized TEMPO and opens up the possibility of sustainable redox mediation for robust cycling of Li–O2 batteries.
관련기사 링크: 연합뉴스 : '대용량 차세대전지 리튬공기전지 수명 3배 늘렸다' 기사 링크: http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2016/03/09/0200000000AKR20160309061700063.HTML?input=1195m
아시아경제: '보호막 씌워 리튬공기전지 수명 3배 연장' 기사 링크: http://view.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2016030909211043261
전자신문: '전기차 차세대 전지 '리튬공기전지' 수명 3배 늘어나' 기사 링크: http://www.etnews.com/20160309000161
서울경제 , 대덕넷 등.
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