- [EEWS] Dr. Nenad M. Markovic (Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, USA ) Distinguished Lecture
- 관리자 |
- 2017-10-30 15:35:10|
- 11453
Dr. Nenad M. Markovic (Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, USA )의 Distinguished Lecture를 아래와 같이 개최합니다 .
관심있으신 분들의 적극적인 참여를 부탁드립니다 .
- 아 래 -
1. Seminar
- 일시 : 2017년 11월 2일(목), 14:00~
- 장소 : KI 빌딩(E4), Matrix Hall (2F)
- 주제 : Energy and Fuels from Electrochemical Interfaces
- Abstract
Developing and deploying renewable energy technologies will require the application of knowledge, concepts, and tools from a variety of fields including chemistry, materials science, physics and, in particular, electrochemistry. In this presentation we highlight the important achievements in the development of highly active, stable and selective solid-aqueous and solid-organic electrochemical interfaces that will be able to resolve many of the challenging problems related to clean energy production, conversion and storage. A key fundamental issue that will be addressed is the degree to which the fundamental understanding of the synergy between covalent and non‑covalent interactions can form the basis for any predictive ability in tailor making real world catalysts. We argue that achieving this goal needs a hierarchical strategy to define, at atomic/molecular levels, ever more precisely the potential-controlled bond-making and breaking events that are simultaneously controlled by a the structure and nature of surface atoms, and organization of the electrolyte components that operates in the double layer. The range of materials and electrolytes that will be discussed is broad; involving metals, metal/metal-oxides, pure oxides, S-/N-/C-based materials as well as aqueous electrolytes with a wide pH range, impurity-free organic solvents, and model solid electrolytes.Links between aqueous- and organic-based environments will also be addressed, encouraging the “fuel cell” and “battery” communities to move forward together. We conclude, we are witnessing the renaissance of electrochemistry.
2. Tutorial
- 일시 : 2017년 11월 3일(금), 10:00~
- 장소 : KI 빌딩(E4), Connect Room (2F)
- 주제 : The Renaissance of Electrochemistry
- Abstract
Developing and deploying renewable energy technologies will require the application of knowledge, concepts, and tools from a variety of fields including chemistry, materials science, physics and, in particular, electrochemistry [].Electrochemistry is, in the broadest sense, the study of relationships between the transformation of electrical energy in chemical bonds and, in the reverse process, the energy stored in chemical bonds back to electrons that can power electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems []. For decades, advances in electrochemistry parallel fundamental understanding of electrochemical interfaces that represents a junction between the electrode material and electrolyte. Central to this presentation will be to introduce - at atomic and molecular levels - electrochemical interfaces in aqueous environment. We first describe the conventionally accepted picture of the double layer, focusing on substrate-adsorbate interactions that involve the sharing of electrons and orbital overlap (covalent bonds) as well as non-covalent electrostatic interactions (e.g., van der Waals forces) between hydrated ions and covalently bonded adsorbents. Examples of covalent-type of interactions will include adsorption of hydrogen, oxygenated species, carbon monoxide, and ions on metal single crystal surfaces in electrolytes with various pH values. Examples of the role of non-covalent interactions will be limited to interaction between hydrated cations and covalently bonded adsorbates. While discussing various types of forces that control interfacial properties we will introduce ex-situ and in-situ experimental/computational probes that have been developed for determining the relationships between the energy of adsorption and relaxation/reconstruction, adsorbate structures and corresponding adsorption isotherms as well as the position of cations in the double layer. We conclude the presentation by asking us what we don’t know but we would like to know about electrochemical interfaces.
* 첨부. 포스터, 초록
[주관] 정유성 교수(내선.1712) / [문의] 이수현(suehyun@kaist.ac.kr, 내선.1752)
Hope everything goes well with you.
This e-mail is to inform you that Dr. Nenad M. Markovic' (Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, USA) Distinguished Lecture will be held as below.
Anyone interested in this topic is welcomed.
- Details -
1. Seminar
- Date & Time : November 2 (Thur) 2017, 14:00 ~
- Venue : KI Blgd.(E4), Matrix Hall (2F)
- Topic: Energy and Fuels from Electrochemical Interfaces
2. Tutorial
- Date & Time : November 2 (Thur) 2017, 14:00 ~
- Venue : KI Blgd.(E4), Matrix Hall (2F)
- Topic: : The Renaissance of Electrochemistry
* Attachement. Poster, Abstraact
[Host] Prof. Yousung Jung (Ext.1712) / [Inquiries] Soohyun Lee (suehyun@kaist.ac.kr, Ext. 1752)
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