• Readmission Application Deadlines and Procedures for Fall 2014
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-05-21 12:03:28|
  • 7789


Please refer to the instructions below on application for readmission in Fall 2014 for dropouts and expelled students.




A. Applicability: Dropouts and expelled students of undergraduate or MS/PhD programs


B. Deadlines:

- Student Submission : Submit to the department office by Friday, June 20, 2014

- Department/Division Review : Monday, June 23 - Friday, June 27, 2014

- Submission of Department/Division Review to Academic Registrar's Team : Friday, July 4, 2014


C. Conditions for Readmission

- No more than 3 years from the date of dropout or expulsion. Not including students expelled due to expiration of the academic program time limit.

The suspension period (3 years) does not include time taken for military service or medical treatment. (Attach supporting documents)

- Readmission is possible after 2 semesters including the semester of dropping out or expulsion.


D. Readmission Application and Review Process



Application for


Department Review

Review by Dean of Student Affairs and Policy (undergraduate


Review by





Approval by Provost


E. Recommendation for Readmission by Department/Division


A three-member review committee consisting of the advisor, department/division head, and department/division professor or a department/division-related committee will evaluate the candidate on academic capacity, remaining number of semesters, and possibility of graduation based on the advisor's opinion on

readmission and future study plan. For undergraduate students, the Dean of

Student Affairs and Policy will interview the recommended candidate and results will be announced through the Academic/Research Review Committee.

Students who did not belong to any department at the time of dropping our or expulsion must be reviewed by a department of choice.


F. Required Documents for Readmission


1) Application for Readmission (prescribed form)

2) Future Study Plan (prescribed form)

3) Opinion of Advisor on Readmission (prescribed form)

4) Recommendation for Readmission (prescribed form)

5) Academic Transcript

6) Proof of military service or medical condition as outlined in Article 55-5 of Academic Regulations (if applicable)


G. Others

- Previously earned credits will be automatically recognized without any separate procedure.

- Requirements for graduation will be unchanged from the date of initial admission.

- The prescribed time limit of the readmitted student will be counted from the date of initial admission.

- Students readmitted after expulsion will be expelled upon receiving an academic warning.

- Students expelled for failing the qualifying exam must pass the exam within 1 year of readmission, and will face expulsion if requirements are not met. (This period may be extended up to 1 semester if the candidate takes a leave of absence.)

- Students can be readmitted only once and will be accepted to the original academic year or lower.

- Tuition for readmitted students shall follow the rules on "Imposition of Tuition Fees."



Attachment :

1. Guidance on Application for Readmission (Korean/English)

2. Application for Readmission.

3. Future Study Plan

4. Opinion of (Prospective) Advisor on Admission

5. Recommendation for Readmission.