- 석박사과정(통합포함) 재학년한 연장 신청 안내 Application for Extension of Prescribed Time Limit for Graduate Students (Including Integrated MS-PhD)
- 관리자 |
- 2014-05-21 15:15:29|
- 8841
2014. 8. 31일부로 재학연한이 만료되는 석.박사과정(통합포함)학생의 재학연한 연장 신청 절차를 아래와 같이 안내합니다.
가. 대상 : 2014. 8. 31일부 재학연한이 만료되는 석.박사과정(통합포함) 학생 중 재학연한 연장 신청이 가능한 자
(2014. 8월 졸업예정자 제외)
나. 제출 서류 : 재학연한 연장 신청서 1부.
다. 제출 기한 : 2014. 6. 30(월)
라. 제출처 : 학과 사무실(김세림, x3902)
첨부 : 재학연한 연장 신청서 양식
6년을 초과하지 못함
모든 학생
5년을 초과하지 못함
3년을 초과하지 못함
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7년을 초과하지 못함
5년을 초과하지 못함
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석 박사 통합
8년을 초과하지 못함
2008학번까지(석사 포함)
6년을 초과하지 못함
2009학번부터(석사 포함)
· 휴학기간은 재학연한에 산입하지 않음
· 석사/박사과정의 경우 부득이한 사유로 인해 재학연한 연장이 필요할 때는 심의를 거쳐 2회에 한해 재학연한을 1년씩 연장할 수 있음.
Graduate students whose prescribed time limit expires as of Aug. 31, 2014 may apply for an extension subject to approval by the Academic/Research Review Committee. Instructions are provided below.
= Details =
A. Applicability : Graduate students (including integrated MS-PhD) whose prescribed time limit expires as of August 31, 2014. (excluding students expecting graduation in August 2014)
B. Required Document: Application for Extension of Prescribed Time Limit
C. Deadline: Monday, June 30, 2014
D. Please submit the application to the CBE Department Office (Serim Kim, x3902)
Attachment : Application Form
Enrollment Duration Limit
Degree Classification
Enrollment Duration Limit
Applicable Subjects
May not exceed 6 years
All students
May not exceed 5 years
Up to students enrolled in 2008
May not exceed 3 years
Starting from students enrolled in 2009
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May not exceed 7 years
Up to students enrolled in 2008
May not exceed 5 years
Starting from students enrolled in 2009
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Integrated Graduate and Ph.D. Program
May not exceed 8 years
Up to students enrolled in 2009 (including graduate program)
May not exceed 6 years
Starting from students enrolled in 2009 (including graduate program)
· - The term of leave of absence for each course is not included.
· - If an extension is needed due to unavoidable circumstances for graduate and Ph.D. students, an extension (up to two terms, one year each) may be given after receiving approval from the Deliberation Council.